public static int[] xxx(String filename) throws IOException{
int[] f = new int[26];
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
String line;
while((line = in.readLine()) != null){
line = line.toUpperCase();
for(char ch:line.toCharArray()){
f[ch - 'A']++;
return f;
$(".alarmBell").on("click", () => {
let icon = $(".alarm-bell__icon")
icon.attr('data', icon.attr('data') == 'images/icon/alarm-bell.svg' ? 'images/icon/alarm-bell-filled-new.svg' : 'images/icon/alarm-bell.svg');
// $(".alarm-bell__icon").attr('data', function (index, data) {
// if (data == 'images/icon/alarm-bell-filled-new.svg') {
// return 'images/icon/alarm-bell.svg';
// } else if (data == 'images/icon/alarm-bell.svg') {
// return 'images/icon/alarm-bell-filled-new.svg';
// } else {
// return 'images/icon/alarm-bell.svg';
// }
// });
...after yet another icons change request
private void reset_kolejnosc()
this.kolejnosc_s[0] = 1;
this.kolejnosc_s[1] = 2;
this.kolejnosc_s[2] = 3;
this.kolejnosc_s[3] = 4;
this.kolejnosc_s[4] = 5;
this.kolejnosc_s[5] = 6;
this.kolejnosc_s[6] = 7;
this.kolejnosc_s[7] = 8;
this.kolejnosc_s[8] = 9;
this.kolejnosc_s[9] = 10;
$payload = '{ "products": [';
foreach ($products as $product) {
$payload .= $product->toJson() . ',';
$payload = substr($payload, 0, \strlen($payload) - 1);
$payload .= ']}';
public static int[] sleepSort(int... args) {
final int[] sorted = new int[args.length];
final AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger(0);
List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>(0);
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
final int x = i;
Thread sorter = new Thread(() -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// shrug
sorted[index.getAndIncrement()] = args[x];
try {
for (Thread t : threads) { t.join(); }
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return sorted;
Takes an unsorted array of integers, sorts by sleeping for the int value of each item in the array and then writing that into the resulting sorted array. Big-O analysis is... difficult.
if ((bool)greenButton.IsChecked)
CurrentColor = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0xCC, 0x00);
else if ((bool)greyButton.IsChecked)
CurrentColor = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x79, 0x79, 0x79);
foreach (var item in ItemsList.Items)
if ((grid.Background as SolidColorBrush).Color == CurrentColor)
if (argv[1][0]=='D'){
if (argv[1][0]=='P'){
if (sscanf(argv[1], "P%ux%ux%ux%ux%lfx%ux%u"
,&input_w, &input_h, &rate, &input_gamma
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Invalid argument format\n", progname);
if (sscanf(argv[1], "%ux%ux%ux%ux%lfx%ux%u"
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Invalid argument format\n", progname);
Found in a chroma subsampling algorithm. = this.bodyName;
this.radius = this.diameterKm * 500.0;
this.mass = Math.Pow(this.radius, 2.0) * this.surfaceGravity;
this.cameraSwitchHeightM = this.cameraSwitchHeightKm * 1000.0;
if (this.atmosphereData.shadowIntensity == 0f)
this.atmosphereData.shadowIntensity = 1.65f;
this.atmosphereData.atmosphereHeightM = this.atmosphereData.atmosphereHeightKm * 1000.0;
if (this.terrainData.terrainMaterial != null)
this.terrainData.terrainMaterial.color = this.terrainData.terrainColor;
this.terrainData.maxTerrainHeight = this.GetMaxTerrainHeight();
this.terrainData.unitToAngle = 360.0 / ((this.radius + this.terrainData.maxTerrainHeight) * 2.0 * 3.1415926535897931);
for (int i = 0; i < this.terrainData.detailLevels.Length; i++)
this.terrainData.detailLevels[i].chunckSize = (double)this.terrainData.baseChunckSize / Math.Pow(2.0, (double)i);
this.terrainData.detailLevels[i].angularSize = (float)this.terrainData.detailLevels[i].chunckSize / (float)this.terrainData.heightMaps[0].heightMap.HeightDataArray.Length * 360f;
this.terrainData.detailLevels[0].loadDistance = double.PositiveInfinity;
if (this.type == CelestialBodyData.Type.Star)
this.parentBody = null;
this.orbitData.SOIMultiplier = double.PositiveInfinity;
if (this.parentBody != null && (this.type == this.parentBody.type || (this.type == CelestialBodyData.Type.Planet && this.parentBody.type == CelestialBodyData.Type.Moon)))
this.parentBody = null;
if (this.parentBody != null)
this.orbitData._period = Kepler.GetPeriod(0.0, this.orbitData.orbitHeightM, this.parentBody.mass);
this.orbitData.periodString = Ref.GetTimeString(this.orbitData._period);
this.orbitData._meanMotion = -6.2831853071795862 / this.orbitData._period;
this.orbitData.orbitalVelocity = this.orbitData.orbitHeightM * this.orbitData._meanMotion;
this.orbitData.SOI = this.orbitData.orbitHeightM * Math.Pow(this.mass / this.parentBody.mass, 0.4) * this.orbitData.SOIMultiplier;
if (!this.ParentHasThisBodyAsSatellite())
List<CelestialBodyData> list = new List<CelestialBodyData>(this.parentBody.satellites);
this.parentBody.satellites = list.ToArray();
Entity veh = World->NewVehicle(type);
World->AddAnimal(veh); // insert vehicle to both landscape and world
Code for creating CAMERA object in one big AAA game engine.
class vggNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, pretrained=True):
super(vggNet, self).__init__() = models.vgg16(pretrained=True).features.eval()
def forward(self, x):
out = []
for i in range(len(
#x =[i](x)
x =[i](x)
#if i in [3, 8, 15, 22, 29]:
#if i in [15]: #提取1,1/2,1/4的特征图
if i in [8,15,22]: #提取1,1/2,1/4,1/8,1/16
# print([i])
return out
Some creepy feature extraction code I found attached to a research paper.
string date = user.RegistrationDate.ToShortDateString().ToString();
function downScaleCanvas(a, b) {
var c = Math.ceil,
d = Math.floor;
if (!(1 > b) || !(0 < b)) throw "scale must be a positive number <1 ";
var e = b * b,
f = a.width,
g = a.height,
h = d(f * b),
i = d(g * b),
j = 0,
k = 0,
l = 0,
m = 0,
n = 0,
o = 0,
p = 0,
q = 0,
r = 0,
s = 0,
t = 0,
u = 0,
v = 0,
x = 0,
y = 0,
z = !1,
A = !1,
B = a.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, f, g).data,
C = new Float32Array(3 * h * i),
D = 0,
E = 0,
F = 0;
for (k = 0; k < g; k++)
for (n = k * b, r = 0 | n, o = 3 * r * h, A = r != (0 | n + b), A && (x = r + 1 - n, y = n + b - r - 1), j = 0; j < f; j++, l += 4) m = j * b, q = 0 | m, p = o + 3 * q, z = q != (0 | m + b), z && (u = q + 1 - m, v = m + b - q - 1), D = B[l], E = B[l + 1], F = B[l + 2], z || A ? z && !A ? (s = u * b, C[p] += D * s, C[p + 1] += E * s, C[p + 2] += F * s, t = v * b, C[p + 3] += D * t, C[p + 4] += E * t, C[p + 5] += F * t) : A && !z ? (s = x * b, C[p] += D * s, C[p + 1] += E * s, C[p + 2] += F * s, t = y * b, C[p + 3 * h] += D * t, C[p + 3 * h + 1] += E * t, C[p + 3 * h + 2] += F * t) : (s = u * x, C[p] += D * s, C[p + 1] += E * s, C[p + 2] += F * s, t = v * x, C[p + 3] += D * t, C[p + 4] += E * t, C[p + 5] += F * t, t = u * y, C[p + 3 * h] += D * t, C[p + 3 * h + 1] += E * t, C[p + 3 * h + 2] += F * t, t = v * y, C[p + 3 * h + 3] += D * t, C[p + 3 * h + 4] += E * t, C[p + 3 * h + 5] += F * t) : (C[p] += D * e, C[p + 1] += E * e, C[p + 2] += F * e);
var G = document.createElement("canvas");
G.width = h, G.height = i;
var H = G.getContext("2d"),
I = H.getImageData(0, 0, h, i),
J =,
K = 0;
for (l = 0, p = 0; K < h * i; l += 3, p += 4, K++) J[p] = c(C[l]), J[p + 1] = c(C[l + 1]), J[p + 2] = c(C[l + 2]), J[p + 3] = 255;
return H.putImageData(I, 0, 0), G
dohhhhhh !!
int minimum(int a, int b, int c){
int mini =a*b*c;
int iterator=0;
int test[3];
for (iterator=0;iterator<3;iterator++){
if (test[iterator]<mini){
return mini;
I hope that your 3 numbers aren't larger than 1290!
$partnerChargesRegular = $row['charges'];
$partnerChargesIrregular = $row['charges'];
if (!isset($partnerChargesIrregular) || $partnerChargesIrregular == "") {
$partnerChargesIrregular = $partnerChargesRegular;
Look. We take A from X and B from X. Then, you make a check, and if it is true you assing A to B. BUT A AND B ARE TAKEN FROM THE SAME X PLACE!!! HOW CAN THEY DIFFER?!?!!!?!?!?!?!!
public event EventHandler<Cles_graph_doivent_etre_redessines> les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines;
public void remove_event()
if (this.les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines != null)
foreach (EventHandler<Cles_graph_doivent_etre_redessines> F_les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines in this.les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines.GetInvocationList())
this.les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines -= F_les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines;