#29 PHP +62
foreach (array_keys($values['services']) as $serviceId) {
    $service = $this->_em->find('\cut\Entity\Service', $serviceId);

    //\Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::print_r($service); exit();
    //$reservation->addService($this->_em->find('\cut\Entity\Service', $serviceId));
    $this->view->serviceDeposits[$serviceId] = $service->getDeposit();
# checkign if clinic want's bill
$notifications = array();
$reservationServices = array();
foreach (array_keys($values['services']) as $serviceId) {
    $reservationServices[$serviceId] = new \cut\Entity\ReservationService();
    $service                         = $this->_em->find('\cut\Entity\Service', $serviceId);
    //\Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::print_r($service); exit();

    switch ($service->getDeposit()) {
        case 'yes':

    $this->view->serviceDeposits[$serviceId] = $service->getDeposit();
By Anonymous, 2015-07-20 21:12:05
if(wyraz.charAt(i) <"A" 
        && wyraz.charAt(i) != "-" 
            && wyraz.charAt(i)  != " " 
                && wyraz.charAt(i) != "." 
                    && wyraz.charAt(i) != "&" 
                        && wyraz.charAt(i) != "_" 
                            && wyraz.charAt(i) != "\"" 
                                && wyraz.charAt(i) != "'" 
) {                
    if(polska_litera(wyraz.charAt(i) ) == 0 ) 
                return NO; 
if(wyraz.charAt(i) >"Z" 
           && wyraz.charAt(i) != "-" 
                && wyraz.charAt(i)  != " " 
                    && wyraz.charAt(i) != "." 
                        && wyraz.charAt(i) != "&" 
                            && wyraz.charAt(i) != "_" 
                                && wyraz.charAt(i) != "\""
                                    && wyraz.charAt(i) != "'"

Just PKP :)

By Slacki, 2015-07-20 22:43:47

 * SetSelectedPlanet.php
 * @version 1
 * @copyright 2008 By Chlorel for XNova

function SetSelectedPlanet ( &$CurrentUser ) {
	global $_GET;
By Sobak, 2015-07-21 06:57:52

function add_points ($resources, $userid) {
	return false;

function remove_points ($resources, $userid) {
	return false;

function get_userdata () {
	return '';
By Sobak, 2015-07-21 07:00:36
#33 PHP +6
if (ini_get('register_globals') != 1){
if ((isset($_POST) == true) && (is_array($_POST) == true)) extract($_POST, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
if ((isset($_GET) == true) && (is_array($_GET) == true)) extract($_GET, EXTR_OVERWRITE);}
By Sobak, 2015-07-21 07:59:13
$now = time();

while ($now + 10 > time()) {
    // Just chill...smoke a blunt

echo "Done.\n";
By Sobak, 2015-07-21 12:30:55
#35 HTML +86
<div id="header">
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php">Strona Główna</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=1">Aktualności</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=2">Strony Serwisu</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=10">Artykuly</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=3">Linki</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=4">Księga Gości</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=5">Newsletter</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=6">Użytkownicy</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=8">Menu</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=12">Bannery</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=11">Pliki</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=7">Forum</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=13">Ban</a></li>
 <li id="current"><a href="index.php?cmd=9">Konfiguracja</a></li>
By Sobak, 2015-07-21 12:35:41
public function parse($package)
if(isset($package["type"]) && $package["type"] == "unavailable")
    if(((time() - self::$xmpp->users[(string)$package["from"]]["jointime"] < 30 && (isset(self::$xmpp->users[(string)$package["from"]]["messages"]) && self::$xmpp->users[(string)$package["from"]]["messages"] < 2) && (time() - self::$xmpp->startTime) > 50)) || (!isset(self::$xmpp->users[(string)$package["from"]]["messages"]) && time() - self::$xmpp->users[(string)$package["from"]]["jointime"] < 900 && (time() - self::$xmpp->startTime) > 900))
	if(!array_search(strstr(self::$xmpp->users[(string)$package["from"]]["jid"], "/", true), explode("\n", file_get_contents("friends.txt"))))
	    self::$xmpp->ban(strstr($package["from"], "/", true), self::$xmpp->users[(string)$package["from"]]["jid"]);
	    self::$xmpp->groupMessage(strstr($package["from"], "/", true), substr(strstr($package["from"], "/"), 1)." został zbanowany/a za przeciąg!");
	if(!array_search(strstr(self::$xmpp->users[(string)$package["from"]]["jid"], "/", true), explode("\n", file_get_contents("friends.txt"))))
	    file_put_contents("friends.txt", file_get_contents("friends.txt")."\n".strstr(self::$xmpp->users[(string)$package["from"]]["jid"], "/", true));

In fact whole project is shitty as hell, if you want have some fun grab popcorn and read all the sources: XPBot on sourceforge

By Kadet, 2015-07-21 12:51:32
int length = 0;
for(int idx = 0; idx < a.length; i++) {
System.out.println("length is : " + length);
By Slacki, 2015-07-22 14:25:02
    Login : <input type=textbox name=login><br>
    Password : <input type=password name=pass><br>
    <input type=button value="OK" onCLick="if (login.value=='admin'&&pass.value=='123456') window.location.replace('admin.php'); ">
By Anonymous, 2015-07-22 14:31:42
<!-- Renders an horizontal line -->
By Anonymous, 2015-07-22 14:38:41
for ($i=0 ; $i<3 ; $i++) {
  switch($i) {
    case 1:
      // do some stuff
    case 2:
      // do some stuff
    case 3:
      // do some stuff
By Anonymous, 2015-07-22 14:40:25
// sleep 150s
for ($a = 0; $a < 150 ; $a++ ) { 
By Anonymous, 2015-07-22 14:42:11
<img src="../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../assets/logo.png" />
By Anonymous, 2015-07-22 14:46:50
[ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo *Click*
By Anonymous, 2015-07-22 14:51:27