while (true) {
  if ($current === $requested) {
  if (! in_array($requested, $available)) {
  session()->put('locale', $requested);
By Ed, 2020-08-05 15:26:32
private static final double RESULT_OF_DIVISION_BY_0 = 9.99;

public static double getPercentageDifference(long currentResult, long previousResult) {
    if (previousResult == 0 && currentResult == 0) {
        return 0;
    } else if (previousResult == 0) {
        return RESULT_OF_DIVISION_BY_0;
    } else {
        return (currentResult - previousResult) * 1.0 / previousResult;
By Anonymous, 2017-12-20 10:56:50
// Method put on each input component to unregister
  // itself from the form
  detachFromForm: function detachFromForm(component) {
    var componentPos = this.inputs.indexOf(component);

    if (componentPos !== -1) {
      this.inputs = this.inputs.slice(0, componentPos).concat(this.inputs.slice(componentPos + 1));


oh boy

By Anonymous, 2017-12-21 10:48:00
class {
    public State state;
    //enums cant take double values...
    public struct State
        public const float IDLE = 0f;
        public const float WALKING = 0.5f;
        public const float RUNNING = 1f;
    protected void Stop()
    protected void SetSpeed(float f)
        agent.speed = f;
        if (agent.speed > 1f && agent.speed < 5f)
            f = State.WALKING;
        else if (agent.speed > 5f)
            f = State.RUNNING;
            f = State.IDLE;

Who needs static float when you can have a constant in a nested struct, as a bonus State state has 0 references in the project

By SwagridOfficial, 2018-01-05 13:39:24
public class SentCon3 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

		double input;
		char choice;
		System.out.println("**** Menu-Driven Temperature Converter*****");
		System.out.println("only lowwer case is vaild");
		System.out.print("Enter the value to beconverted==> ");
		input = scan.nextDouble();
		System.out.println("What is your choice?");
		System.out.println("a)Fahrenheit to Celsius");
		System.out.println("b)Celsius to Fahrenheit");
		System.out.println("c)Kelvin to Celsius");
		System.out.println("d)Celsius to Kelvin");
		System.out.println("e)Kelvin to Fahrenheit");
		System.out.println("f)Fahrenheit to Kelvin.");
		System.out.print("Please enter your choice ==>");
		choice = scan.next().charAt(0);

		while (choice == 'a') {
			System.out.println((input / 5) * 9 + 32);
		while (choice == 'b') {
			System.out.println((input - 32) * 5 / 9);
		while (choice == 'c') {
			System.out.println(input - 273.15);

		while (choice == 'd') {
			System.out.println(input + 273.15);
		while (choice == 'e') {
			System.out.println((input - 273.5) * 9 / 5 + 32);
		while (choice == 'f') {
			System.out.println((input + 459.67) * 5 / 9);



use while as if!!!!

By person, 2020-10-13 03:01:18

 * fk--folder key,dk--doc key -->value is key string
 * dt--doc type,ft--folder type -->both have 19 key options: 
 * bom tr amend history help info loeid cust cust0-cust9 custhist
 * folder type only seen as "history" in toc,why ??do we use other ones? -- it only has one child
 * doc type only seen two "tr" and "history" in toc??-- it only has one child 
 * node with "folder type="history"" is the only child of it parent either "<doc type="tr" key="xxx" trnum="xxx"....." or "<doc type="tr"  trnum="xxx""
 * <folder type="history"  could has more then one doc children .e.g. title="History of AMM31-32-00-720-807" in 700/amm
 * folder element has the follwing to identify itself:
 * 	1, key 
 * 	2, type="history",  in this case, folder is the only child of doc element with type ="tr"?????
 * doc element has the following to identify itself
 * 	1, key
 * 	2, type="tr" trnum="xxxxx"
 * 	3, type="history", in this case, doc isthe only child of a folder element???
 * the return json format likes following: 
 * [
 * { "data" : "A node", "children" , "state" : "open" },
 * { "data" : "Only child", "state" : "closed" },
 *	"Ajax node"
 *	]

public class XMLToJson
	private static final Map<String, String> pathMap;
		Map<String, String> aMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
		aMap.put("fk", "folder[@key");
		aMap.put("ft", "folder[@type");
		aMap.put("fth", "folder[@type='history'");
		aMap.put("dk", "doc[@key");
		aMap.put("dt", "doc[@type");
		aMap.put("dth", "doc[@type='history'");
		aMap.put("dtrn", "doc[@trnum");
		pathMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(aMap);

	Util util = new Util();

	 * @param url the path to TOC.xml
	 * @param xPathString the short format searched node path
	 * @throws DocumentException
	 * sample xPathString : "fk:AMM24_fk:AMM24-FM_dk" 
	@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
	public String getJson(URL url, String xPathString) throws Exception
		Document TOCDoc = util.getDocument(url);
		String jsonString = "[";

		Element node = null;
		if (xPathString.equals("/"))

			node = TOCDoc.getRootElement();
			String realXPathString = pathMapping(xPathString);
			node = (Element) TOCDoc.selectSingleNode(realXPathString);
		//List<Element>  li = node.elements();
		for (Iterator<Element> i = node.elementIterator(); i.hasNext();)
			Element elem = (Element) i.next();
			String eleName = elem.getName();
			Boolean hasChildren = false;
			if ((elem.elements().size() > 0))
				hasChildren = true;
				//current element has children itself, state shoud be "closed"

			List<Attribute> list = elem.attributes();
			String titleAttrContent = elem.attributeValue("title");
			//Boolean isFileAttr = false;
			String fileAttrContent = elem.attributeValue("file");
			//if  (fileAttrContent.isEmpty() )
			if (eleName == "doc")
				//doc element always has "file" attribute

				for (Attribute attribute : list)
					jsonString = jsonString.concat("{");
					String attrName = attribute.getName();
					//System.out.println("doc arribute Name : " + attrName);
					//each one has to have "data" line, "attr" line "state" line and "children" line
					jsonString = jsonString.concat("'data':'").concat(titleAttrContent).concat("',");
					if (attrName.equals("key"))
						String keyContent = elem.attributeValue("key");
						jsonString = jsonString.concat("'attr':{'id':'").concat(xPathString).concat("_dk:").concat(keyContent).concat("','file':'").concat(fileAttrContent).concat("'}");

					else if (attrName.equals("trnum"))

						String trnumContent = elem.attributeValue("trnum");
						jsonString = jsonString.concat("'attr':{'id':'").concat(xPathString).concat("_dtrn:").concat(trnumContent).concat("','file':'").concat(fileAttrContent).concat("'}");

					/*		else if (attrName.equals("type"))//type attribute for doc element won't determite what exactly the element is 
								String typeContent = elem.attributeValue("type");
								//doc element has type "history"
								if (typeContent == "history"){
									jsonString = jsonString.concat("'attr':{'id':'").concat(xPathString).concat("_dth,");
								}else if (typeContent == "?????"){
									//any values for type attribute need to concern???? 

							else if (attrName.equals("file"))

				if (hasChildren)
					//state set up as "closed" and no need to set up "children" field
					jsonString = jsonString.concat(",'state':'closed'");

					//no need to put anything
					//jsonString = jsonString.concat("'state':'???'");
				jsonString = jsonString.concat("},");

			else if (eleName == "folder")
				jsonString = jsonString.concat("{");
				for (Attribute attribute : list)
					String attrName = attribute.getName();
					jsonString = jsonString.concat("'data':'").concat(titleAttrContent).concat("',");
					if (attrName.equals("key"))
						String keyContent = elem.attributeValue("key");
						jsonString = jsonString.concat("'attr':{'id':'").concat(xPathString).concat("_fk:").concat(keyContent).concat("'}");
						if (fileAttrContent != null)
							jsonString = jsonString.concat("','file':'").concat(fileAttrContent).concat("'}");

					else if (attrName.equals("type"))
						String typeContent = elem.attributeValue("type");
						//doc element has type "history"
						if (typeContent == "history")
							jsonString = jsonString.concat("'attr':{'id':'").concat(xPathString).concat("_fth,");

						else if (typeContent == "?????")
							//any values need to concern???? 


				jsonString = jsonString.concat("},");
		//return list;
		jsonString = jsonString.substring(0, jsonString.length() - 1);
		jsonString = jsonString.concat("]");
		return jsonString;


	 * read xpathstring from post request and generate the real xpath for toc
	public String getXPathString()
		return null;

	 * post string looks like : "fk:LOETR_dtrn:TR12-118_fth_dth"
	 * it represents the inner doc elemnet:
	 * <folder key="LOETR" type="loetr" title="List of Effective TRs" file="loetr.html">
	 *		<doc type="tr" trnum="TR12-118" trdate="May 07/2012" title="[TR12-118] TASK AMM12-31-00-660-806 - Inspection and Removal of De-Hydrated Anti-Icing Fluid inside the Flight Control Surfaces" file="TR12-118.pdf" refloc="AMM12-31-00-660-806">
	 * 			<folder type="history" title="History of AMM12-31-00-660-806">
	 *   			<doc title="TASK 12-31-00-660-806 - Inspection and Removal of De-Hydrated Anti-Icing Fluid inside the Flight Control Surfaces" file="AMM12-31-00-660-806.pdf" type="history" refloc="AMM12-31-00-660-806"/>
	 * </folder>
	 * the xpath string should be:
	 * folder[@key="LOETR"]/doc[@trnum="TR12-118"]/folder[@type="history"]/doc[@type="history"]
	 * the String : "fk:AMM24_fk:AMM24-FM_dk:CTOC-24" 
	 * it represents the inner doc with attribute file="CTOC-24.pdf"
	 * the string : "fk:AMM24_fk:AMM24-00-00_fk:AMM24-00-00-02_dk:AMM24-00-00-700-801" represents
	 * <folder key="AMM24" title="CH 24 - Electrical Power">
	 *		<folder key="AMM24-FM" title="Front Matter">
	 * 			<doc key="CTOC-24" title="Table of Contents" file="CTOC-24.pdf"/>
	 *		</folder>
	 *		<folder key="AMM24-00-00" title="24-00-00 - General">
	 * 			<folder key="AMM24-00-00-02" title="General - Maintenance Practices">
	 *   			<doc key="AMM24-00-00-700-801" title="TASK 24-00-00-700-801 - AC Power, DC Power and Battery Maintenance Practice Recommendations" file="AMM24-00-00-700-801.pdf"/>
	 * it can be even optimized as :
	 * "fk:AMM24_fk:00-00_fk:02_dk:AMM24-00-00-700-801"
	 * if the inner key fully include the previous key, omit it, otherwise use full string   
	 * the xpath string should be:
	 * folder[@key="AMM24"]/folder[@key="AMM24-00-00"]/folder[@key="AMM24-00-00-02"]/doc[@key="AMM24-00-00-700-801"]
	 * if shortXPath is ?? which means the query based on the root of the document
	public String pathMapping(String shortXPath) throws Exception
		String tagetString = null;
		if (shortXPath.equals(""))
			tagetString = "//toc";
			tagetString = "//";

		int newStart = 0;
		String segString = "";
		String valueString = "";
		//need mapping all senarios
		while (shortXPath.indexOf("_", newStart) > -1)
			int keyValueSepPos = 0;
			String keyString = "";//not necessary key, might be type attribute
			segString = shortXPath.substring(newStart, shortXPath.indexOf("_", newStart));
			newStart = shortXPath.indexOf("_", newStart) + 1;//new start search point
			if (segString.indexOf(":") > 0)
				keyValueSepPos = segString.indexOf(":");
				keyString = segString.substring(0, keyValueSepPos);
				valueString = segString.substring(keyValueSepPos + 1);
				if (pathMap.get(keyString).length() > 0)
					tagetString = tagetString.concat(pathMap.get(keyString));
					throw new Exception("no mapping found");
				tagetString = tagetString.concat("='").concat(valueString).concat("']/");
		//this is for scenerio either no "_" or sub string after "_"
		segString = shortXPath.substring(newStart);
		if (segString.indexOf(":") > 0)
			int lastKeyValueSepPos = segString.indexOf(":");
			String lastKeyString = segString.substring(0, lastKeyValueSepPos);
			String lastValueString = segString.substring(lastKeyValueSepPos + 1);
			if (pathMap.get(lastKeyString).length() > 0)
				tagetString = tagetString.concat(pathMap.get(lastKeyString));
				throw new Exception("no mapping found");
			tagetString = tagetString.concat("='").concat(lastValueString).concat("']");
		return tagetString;


	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
		XMLToJson x2j = new XMLToJson();
		String test = "fk:AMM24_fk:AMM24-FM";

		test = "";
		System.out.println(x2j.getJson(new URL("http://localhost:8080/WebNavSpring/q400/amm/toc.xml"), test));


easy clean code to convert XML to JSON .

By used in Major Airspace company , 2019-03-15 17:59:54
void destroy_phone(T9obj* ptr_T9Obj){

Such thoughtful name!

By farhanhubble, 2019-05-30 08:57:39
sed -i 's/^#HTTPD=\/usr\/sbin\/httpd.worker/HTTPD=/\/usr\/sbin\/httpd.worker/g' /etc/sysconfig/httpd 
By Anonymous, 2017-12-13 18:09:51
precision mediump float;
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 resolution;
#define equals =
#define divided /
#define plus +
#define minus -
#define times *
#define by
#define point .
#define zero 0.
#define one 1.
#define five 5.
#define output gl_FragColor
#define then {
#define end }
#define less <
#define than
#define increment ++
#define afterwards ;
#define comma ,
#define semi .5
#define hundred 100.
void main ( void ) then
	vec2 uv equals gl_FragCoord point xy divided by resolution point xy afterwards
	float number equals sin( time plus uv point y ) afterwards
	for ( float i equals zero afterwards i less than five afterwards increment i) then
		number equals mod ( uv point x comma number ) afterwards
	output equals vec4 (uv point x comma uv point y comma number times hundred comma one ) afterwards
By Anonymous, 2017-12-14 17:39:23
    if (preg_match("/^N/",$postcode)) {
        if (preg_match("/^NW/", $postcode)) {
            if (!preg_match("/^NW1/", $postcode)) {
                // NORTH WEST (NW2, NW3, NW4, NW5, NW6, NW7, NW8, NW9, NW10)
                $property['Prop_area'] = 'NW';
            } else {
                // NW1 which is Central
                $property['Prop_area'] = 'SW';
        } else {
            // NORTH  (N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 etc)
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'N';
    } else if (preg_match("/^W/",$postcode)) {
        if (
            !preg_match("/^W1 /",$postcode)
            && !preg_match("/^W2 /",$postcode)
            && !preg_match("/^W8/",$postcode)
            && !preg_match("/^W11/",$postcode)
        ) {
            // WEST includes (W3, W4, W5, W6, W7, W9, W10, W12, W13, W14)
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'W';
        } else {
            //W1 and W2, W8, W11 which are Central
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'SW';
    } else {
        if (
            || preg_match("/^EC/",$postcode)
            || preg_match("/^WC/",$postcode)
        ) {
            // CENTRAL includes (W1, W2, EC, WC, NW1, SW1, SW3, SW5, SW7, W8, W11)
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'SW';
        } else {
            // OTHER includes South and East and everything else
            return 'SE';
By ichikawayukko, 2018-11-06 12:30:21
int file_exist(){
    FILE *file;
    if((file = fopen(SCORE_FILE_NAME, "r"))){
        return 1;
    return 0;
By Anonymous, 2020-06-08 12:01:54
else if result !== true && result === false { return result !== true }

should I keep this in our project or nah

By codelord, 2022-06-20 16:43:54
  <div ng-repeat="recipient in $ctrl.resource.invoiceRecipients track by $index">

You could easily use the "recipient" variable instead of getting it again from the array, is there a reason for doing this?

By Anonymous, 2020-10-29 16:26:16
#include <iostream>
#define OPEN_BRACES {
#define CLOSE_BRACES }
#define INTEGER int
#define STANDARD_LIB std::
#define CONSOLE_OUT cout
#define MESSAGE "Hello World\n"
#define SEMI ;
#define CLASS_NAME main


Everything is defined

By Anonymous, 2021-06-28 01:46:44
    private void addEndpointsTags(JsonArray tagsArray) throws IOException {
        if (registeredHandlers == null || registeredHandlers.isEmpty()) {
        TreeSet<String> handlerNamesSorted = new TreeSet<>(registeredHandlers.keySet());
        handlerNamesSorted.forEach(key -> {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            try {
                ServiceMethodHandler handler = registeredHandlers.get(key);
                Class<? extends Message> requestClass = (Class<? extends Message>)
                        findSubClassParameterType(handler, 0);
                Class<? extends Message> responseClass = (Class<? extends Message>)
                        findSubClassParameterType(handler, 1);
                sb.append(getProtobufClassFieldDescriptions(requestClass, new HashSet<>()));
                sb.append(getProtobufClassFieldDescriptions(responseClass, new HashSet<>()));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Error inspecting handlers", e);
            String tag = sb.toString();
            tagsArray.add(new JsonPrimitive("e-" + binaryEncode(tag)));
By Brian, 2019-08-13 15:13:37