def rangocinco(obj_id, limit):
    if (obj_id+5) > limit:
        if not (limit-4) == obj_id:
            # print((limit-4), obj_id, flush=True)
            return range((limit-4), (limit+1))
            # print('SI NO', flush=True)
            return range((obj_id-2), (obj_id+3))
        # print('NO', flush=True)
        if (obj_id-4) < 2:
            # print('NO SI', flush=True)
            return range(obj_id, (obj_id+5))
            # print('NO NO', flush=True)
            return range((obj_id-4), (obj_id+1))


By rootweiller, 2020-03-11 21:17:16
                    //read country intformation and assign to variables
                    cName = InpList.get(0).replace(",", ".");
                    cCode = InpList.get(1).replace(",", ".");
                    cAlpha2 = InpList.get(2).replace(",", ".");
                    cAbreviation = InpList.get(3).replace(",", ".");
                    dYear = InpList.get(4).replace(",", ".");
                    dPoliticalCompatibility = InpList.get(5).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankPoliticalCompatibility = InpList.get(6).replace(",", ".");
                    dEconomicCompatibility = InpList.get(7).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankEconomicCompatibility = InpList.get(8).replace(",", ".");
                    dMilitaryCompatibility = InpList.get(9).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankMilitaryCompatibility = InpList.get(10).replace(",", ".");
                    dDemoScore = InpList.get(11).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankDemoScore = InpList.get(12).replace(",", ".");
                    dEnvironmentalCompatibility = InpList.get(13).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankEnvironmentalCompatibility = InpList.get(14).replace(",", ".");
                    dSumCompatibility = InpList.get(15).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankCompatibility = InpList.get(16).replace(",", ".");
                    dPoliticalUtility = InpList.get(17).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankPoliticalUtility = InpList.get(18).replace(",", ".");
                    dEconomicUtility = InpList.get(19).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankEconomicUtility = InpList.get(20).replace(",", ".");
                    dMilitaryUtility = InpList.get(21).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankMilitaryUtility = InpList.get(22).replace(",", ".");
                    dEnvironmentalUtility = InpList.get(23).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankEnvironmentalUtility = InpList.get(24).replace(",", ".");
                    dSumUtility = InpList.get(25).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankUtility = InpList.get(26).replace(",", ".");
                    dPoliticalScore = InpList.get(27).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankPoliticalScore = InpList.get(28).replace(",", ".");
                    dEconomicScore = InpList.get(29).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankEconomicScore = InpList.get(30).replace(",", ".");
                    dMilitaryScore = InpList.get(31).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankMilitaryScore = InpList.get(32).replace(",", ".");
                    dEnvironmentalScore = InpList.get(33).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankEnvironmentalScore = InpList.get(34).replace(",", ".");
                    dAggregate = InpList.get(35).replace(",", ".");
                    dRankAggregate = InpList.get(36).replace(",", ".");
By Anonymous, 2017-12-17 21:45:26
if ($this->getTestSku()) {
} elseif ($this->getTestOffset() >= 0 && $this->getTestLimit() > 0) {
} else {
   Mage::throwException(sprintf("Invalid parameters for test mode: sku %s or offset %s and limit %s", $this->getTestSku(), $this->getTestOffset(), $this->getTestLimit()));
By Anonymous, 2018-03-13 13:56:56
<div class="scrollContent">
	{foreach $animations as $index => $a}
		{if $index > 2}
			{if $a.filename == '9_1447691013_3726.png'}
				{if $a.filename == '9_1423150010_6441.png'}
					{if $a.filename == '9_1423149959_5909.png'}
						{if $a.filename == '9_1423149908_5874.png'}
							{if $a.filename == '9_1528213223_6374.jpg'}
								{if $a.filename == '9_1527670984_3732.jpg'}

							<div class="spotlightFrame frame{$index+1} contains1" data-index="{$index}">
								{if $a.link}<a href="{$a.link}">{/if}
								<img src="/upload/{$a.filename}" alt="{$a.title}" />
								{if $a.link}</a>{/if}


Handovers are great.

By Anonymous, 2018-07-09 14:50:36
# Weird list cleanup
product = "{0}".format(list(product))
product = re.sub(r"\), \(+", "], [", product)
product = re.sub(r"\(+", "[", product)
product = product.replace(")]", "]]").replace(")", "")
product = ast.literal_eval(product)

I don't know why I get this strange fomat for this array of objects... Ok let's do it fast: 1 - Convert array in string 2 - Clean up string 3 - Convert string in array

By Anonymous, 2018-09-05 23:51:16
$(document).on('click', '.edit-item', function(event) {
    let row_id = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-row'].value,
    data = dataIndex[
        dataIndex.findIndex(i => i.id === Number(row_id))
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(1) input').attr('value', data.name)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(2) input').attr('value', data.category)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(3) #basicSelect').val(data.status)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(4) input').attr('value', data.price)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(5) input').attr('value', data.bju.mass)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(6) input').attr('value', data.bju.calories)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(7) input').attr('value', data.bju.proteins)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(8) input').attr('value', data.bju.fats)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(9) input').attr('value', data.bju.carbohydrates)
By Nik Destrave, 2021-05-30 21:59:31
		roots.push(resolver(Config.root, `${pageDir}${path.sep}${page}${path.sep}${page}.html`));
By Anonymous, 2023-04-01 10:39:37
    public String toString() {
        List<Integer> accountLevels = new ArrayList<>();
        List<String> accountIds = new ArrayList<>();

        for (SelectedHierarchyLevel selectedHierarchyLevel : selectedHierarchyLevels) {

        StringBuilder converterString = new StringBuilder();

        convert(accountLevels, converterString);
        convert(accountIds, converterString);

        return converterString.toString();

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

By Anonymous, 2019-04-12 10:55:17
class JavaScriptParser(BaseParser):
    ... # some (exactly four) (useful?) methods
    get_references_of_tag = get_forms = BaseParser._return_empty_list
    get_comments = BaseParser._return_empty_list
    get_meta_redir = get_meta_tags = get_emails = BaseParser._return_empty_list

Developer if forced (by himself probably) to overwrite all methods to prevent raise NotImplementedError xD

By BetterNot, 2020-07-20 15:08:30
}catch(Excepion e){
    // :D


By H20, 2017-12-23 11:12:50
 # 5-level loop, forgive me...
        for xi, xs in enumerate(X):
            for yi, ys in enumerate(Y):
                for zi, zs in enumerate(Z):
                    lx, ly, lz = len(xs), len(ys), len(zs)
                    # construct points
                    xx, yy, zz = custom_meshgrid(xs, ys, zs)
                    world_xyzs = (
                            [xx.reshape(-1, 1), yy.reshape(-1, 1), zz.reshape(-1, 1)],
                    )  # [1, N, 3]

                    # cascading
                    for cas in range(self.cascade):
                        bound = min(2**cas, self.bound)
                        half_grid_size = bound / resolution
                        # scale to current cascade's resolution
                        cas_world_xyzs = world_xyzs * (bound - half_grid_size)

                        # split batch to avoid OOM
                        head = 0
                        while head < B:
                            tail = min(head + S, B)

                            # world2cam transform (poses is c2w, so we need to transpose it. Another transpose is needed for batched matmul, so the final form is without transpose.)
                            cam_xyzs = cas_world_xyzs - poses[
                                head:tail, :3, 3
                            cam_xyzs = cam_xyzs @ poses[head:tail, :3, :3]  # [S, N, 3]

                            # query if point is covered by any camera
                            mask_z = cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] > 0  # [S, N]
                            mask_x = (
                                torch.abs(cam_xyzs[:, :, 0])
                                < cx / fx * cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] + half_grid_size * 2
                            mask_y = (
                                torch.abs(cam_xyzs[:, :, 1])
                                < cy / fy * cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] + half_grid_size * 2
                            mask = (
                                (mask_z & mask_x & mask_y).sum(0).reshape(lx, ly, lz)
                            )  # [N] --> [lx, ly, lz]

                            # update count
                                xi * S : xi * S + lx,
                                yi * S : yi * S + ly,
                                zi * S : zi * S + lz,
                            ] += mask
                            head += S
By Anonymous, 2022-05-13 14:03:28
          // Add ROI coordinates into Environment

It really helped me understand the code.

By Anonymous, 2022-05-30 00:49:45
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            //code goes here
        } catch (Exception e) {
By s0m31, 2022-06-03 15:46:49
public static class time
    public const int minutes_per_hour = 60;
    public const int seconds_per_minute = 60;
    public const int hours_per_day = 24;
    public const int minutes_per_day = minutes_per_hour * hours_per_day;
    public const int seconds_per_day = seconds_per_minute * minutes_per_day;
    public const int days_per_year = 365;
By Anonymous, 2018-10-15 17:15:52
class FileReader extends EventTarget(...READER_EVENTS) {
    // [...]
    readAsArrayBuffer() {
        throw new Error('FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer is not implemented');

React Native's way of saying they don't support FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer()

By Aurovik, 2018-12-12 12:50:22