void MagicUnit::getSomeVoltage(std::uint64_t w_data, double &val)
std::uint64_t r_data = 0;
hwRead((int)Address::Voltage, 3, w_data, 2, &r_data);
val = r_data;
val /= 16; // shit right 4 bits
val *= 0.004;
val -= 8.192;
public ResponseEntity<AuditLogPagedResults> getLogEntries(
@ApiParam(value = "Environment ID", required = true) @PathVariable("environmentId") Long environmentId,
@ApiParam(value = "ID of the queue manager to browse") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "queueManager", required = false) Long queueManager,
@ApiParam(value = "ID of the queue to browse") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "queue", required = false) Long queue,
@ApiParam(value = "Browse for messages newer than a date/time") @DateTimeFormat(iso = DateTimeFormat.ISO.DATE_TIME) @RequestParam(value = "from", required = false) @Valid LocalDateTime from,
@ApiParam(value = "Correlation ID to browse for") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "correlationId", required = false) String correlationId,
@ApiParam(value = "Page of results to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "page", required = false) Integer page,
@ApiParam(value = "Number of results in a page") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "pagesize", required = false) Integer pagesize) {
Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(page != null ? page : 0, pagesize != null ? pagesize : defaultPageSize, new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, Audit.MSG_PUT_TIMESTAMP_FIELD));
Page<Audit> auditEntries = null;
Timestamp msgPut = (from != null ? Timestamp.valueOf(from) : null);
* Environemnt is always supplied. If we have queue or queue manager, assume that's what the caller wants.
* We may also have some optional parameters - put timestamp, correlation ID
if (queue != null) {
//retrieve queue name
String queueName = null;
Optional<WMQQueue> queueEntity = wmqQueueRepository.findById(queue.intValue());
queueName = queueEntity.get().getQ_name();
//see if we have timestamp or correlation ID
if (msgPut != null) {
if (correlationId != null) {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByQNameAndCorrelIdAndMsgPutTimestampGreaterThanEqual(queueName, msgPut, correlationId, pageable);
} else {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByQNameAndMsgPutTimestampGreaterThanEqual(queueName, msgPut, pageable);
} else {
if (correlationId != null) {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByQNameAndCorrelId(queueName, correlationId, pageable);
} else {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByQName(queueName, pageable);
} else if (queueManager != null) {
List<Integer> managerIds = Arrays.asList(queueManager.intValue());
//see if we have timestamp or correlation ID
if (msgPut != null) {
if (correlationId != null) {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByManagerIdsAndCorrelIdAndMsgPutTimestampGreaterThanEqual(managerIds, msgPut, correlationId, pageable);
} else {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByManagerIdsAndMsgPutTimestamp(managerIds, msgPut, pageable);
} else {
if (correlationId != null) {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByManagerIdsAndCorrelId(managerIds, correlationId, pageable);
} else {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByManagerIds(managerIds, pageable);
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Implementations does not exist");
} else {
List<Integer> managerIds = findManagerIds(environmentId);
if(managerIds.isEmpty()) {
//No QueueManager so no possible log entries
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(null);
if (msgPut != null) {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByManagerIdsAndMsgPutTimestamp(managerIds, msgPut, pageable);
} else {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByManagerIds(managerIds, pageable);
if (correlationId != null && msgPut != null) {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByCorrelIdAndMsgPutTimestampGreaterThanEqual(correlationId, msgPut, pageable);
} else if (queueName != null && msgPut != null) {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByQNameAndMsgPutTimestampGreaterThanEqual(queueName, msgPut, pageable);
} else if (queueName != null) {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByQName(queueName, pageable);
} else if (correlationId != null) {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByCorrelId(correlationId, pageable);
} else {
List<Integer> managerIds = findManagerIds(environmentId);
if(managerIds.isEmpty()) {
//No QueueManager so no possible log entries
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(null);
if (msgPut != null) {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByManagerIdsAndMsgPutTimestamp(managerIds, msgPut, pageable);
} else {
auditEntries = auditRepository.findByManagerIds(managerIds, pageable);
if (auditEntries != null) {
AuditLogPagedResults results = new AuditLogPagedResults();
results.setResults(mapperFacade.mapAsList(auditEntries.getContent(), AuditLogEntry.class));
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(results);
} else {
throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Not found");
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.arcelormittal.springTemplate.web.MessagesApi#getLogEntry(java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long)
public ResponseEntity<AuditLogEntry> getLogEntry(Long environmentId, Long logId) {
Optional<Audit> entry = auditRepository.findById(logId);
if (entry.isPresent()) {
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(mapperFacade.map(entry.get(), AuditLogEntry.class));
} else {
throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Not found");
End pint to do a dynamic query in JPA.
# 5-level loop, forgive me...
for xi, xs in enumerate(X):
for yi, ys in enumerate(Y):
for zi, zs in enumerate(Z):
lx, ly, lz = len(xs), len(ys), len(zs)
# construct points
xx, yy, zz = custom_meshgrid(xs, ys, zs)
world_xyzs = (
[xx.reshape(-1, 1), yy.reshape(-1, 1), zz.reshape(-1, 1)],
) # [1, N, 3]
# cascading
for cas in range(self.cascade):
bound = min(2**cas, self.bound)
half_grid_size = bound / resolution
# scale to current cascade's resolution
cas_world_xyzs = world_xyzs * (bound - half_grid_size)
# split batch to avoid OOM
head = 0
while head < B:
tail = min(head + S, B)
# world2cam transform (poses is c2w, so we need to transpose it. Another transpose is needed for batched matmul, so the final form is without transpose.)
cam_xyzs = cas_world_xyzs - poses[
head:tail, :3, 3
cam_xyzs = cam_xyzs @ poses[head:tail, :3, :3] # [S, N, 3]
# query if point is covered by any camera
mask_z = cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] > 0 # [S, N]
mask_x = (
torch.abs(cam_xyzs[:, :, 0])
< cx / fx * cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] + half_grid_size * 2
mask_y = (
torch.abs(cam_xyzs[:, :, 1])
< cy / fy * cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] + half_grid_size * 2
mask = (
(mask_z & mask_x & mask_y).sum(0).reshape(lx, ly, lz)
) # [N] --> [lx, ly, lz]
# update count
xi * S : xi * S + lx,
yi * S : yi * S + ly,
zi * S : zi * S + lz,
] += mask
head += S
if (ini_get('register_globals') != 1){
if ((isset($_POST) == true) && (is_array($_POST) == true)) extract($_POST, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
if ((isset($_GET) == true) && (is_array($_GET) == true)) extract($_GET, EXTR_OVERWRITE);}
// powtierdzenie decyzji
function zapytaj(pytanie){
if(confirm(pytanie)) return true
else return false;
public function getProfilePicture(Company $company, $id, $url = null) {
// @TODO: Figure out how to do this.
return null;
auto settingsFileSize = static_cast<int>(sizeof(_settings));
This was in release branch for a month. Casting wasn't even necessary.
Someones idea of how to select an element to scroll to.... Please no.
var list = new List<string>() { // Assume some items in the list };
for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
var item = list[i];
Simple alternative to List.Clear()
foreach ($desired_components as $name => $junk) {
list($component_value, $component_comments) = self::unpackPair($desired_components[$name]);
$desired_components[$name] = self::packPair(round($component_value, 2), $component_comments);
// Add ROI coordinates into Environment
It really helped me understand the code.
<table class="table table-sm o_main_table" style="width='100%'">
<!-- ... thanks ...-->
Found that on a customer's project, wonder if my employee knows about inline css
Map<Object, List<Element>> groupeUniqueMap =values.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(this::getCompositeGroupKey, Collectors.toList()));
return values;
return doReturn();
let already_in = True;
while (already_in) {
let random_index = Math.floor(arr.length * Math.random());
let already_in = False;
for (ex of exs) {
if (ex.id === arr[random_index].id) {
already_in = True;
Yes, this is JavaScript, and yes it didn't work. Found while reviewing some code
ierr = pxmlIn->GetData(pcTag, *pTData);
*pbDataValid = bool((ierr==0)&&(iLen>0)); // enabled if: not empty string and vaild (number?)
if (*pbDataValid) iErr += ierr;