public IHttpActionResult ValidaPrepacks(ValidaPrepackVO validacion)
        return Ok();
    catch (Exception e)
        return Ok(e.Message);


A code that "validate" a pack in the backend

By Anonymous, 2019-09-17 21:48:29
boolean darkModeSelected = (!darkModeSelected ? true : false);
By Anonymous, 2017-12-13 09:40:59
@Pipe({ name: 'shortSex' })
export class SexPipe implements PipeTransform {
  public transform(value: any): 'M' | 'K' {
    switch (value?.code) {
      case SexCodes.MALE:
        return 'M';
      case SexCodes.FEMALE:
        return 'K';
        return null;

What can I say more?

By Anonymous, 2021-07-21 10:44:17

He doesn't know what is " i+=4 " :||||

By Manoochehr Mojgani, 2017-12-13 21:46:04
 public void updateCurrency() {
        LOGGER.info("Update currencies");
        var ok = false;

        try {
            ok = true;
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            LOGGER.error(exception.getMessage(), exception);

        if (ok) {
            LOGGER.info("The currencies were updated successfully!");
By halogenUnit, 2022-09-29 13:31:58
public event EventHandler<Cles_graph_doivent_etre_redessines> les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines;
public void remove_event()
    if (this.les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines != null)
        foreach (EventHandler<Cles_graph_doivent_etre_redessines> F_les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines in this.les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines.GetInvocationList())
            this.les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines -= F_les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines;
By Anonymous, 2015-09-14 05:52:20
#1344 PHP +39
$command = 'curl -X GET -H "application/json" -H "X-Api-Key: '.$key.'" https://some-api.com/resource';
exec($command, $output);
$array = json_decode($output[0], true);

Using curl in PHP is boring. Let execute a command for

By Anonymous, 2020-07-14 20:28:49
	public showOrHideLegends(seriesList: any[]) {
		if (seriesList.length === 0)
			return false;
			return true;

more code lines => more money; that's how our contractor company thinks

By Nitor, 2017-05-06 19:59:30
function downScaleCanvas(a, b) {
    var c = Math.ceil,
        d = Math.floor;
    if (!(1 > b) || !(0 < b)) throw "scale must be a positive number <1 ";
    var e = b * b,
        f = a.width,
        g = a.height,
        h = d(f * b),
        i = d(g * b),
        j = 0,
        k = 0,
        l = 0,
        m = 0,
        n = 0,
        o = 0,
        p = 0,
        q = 0,
        r = 0,
        s = 0,
        t = 0,
        u = 0,
        v = 0,
        x = 0,
        y = 0,
        z = !1,
        A = !1,
        B = a.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, f, g).data,
        C = new Float32Array(3 * h * i),
        D = 0,
        E = 0,
        F = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < g; k++)
        for (n = k * b, r = 0 | n, o = 3 * r * h, A = r != (0 | n + b), A && (x = r + 1 - n, y = n + b - r - 1), j = 0; j < f; j++, l += 4) m = j * b, q = 0 | m, p = o + 3 * q, z = q != (0 | m + b), z && (u = q + 1 - m, v = m + b - q - 1), D = B[l], E = B[l + 1], F = B[l + 2], z || A ? z && !A ? (s = u * b, C[p] += D * s, C[p + 1] += E * s, C[p + 2] += F * s, t = v * b, C[p + 3] += D * t, C[p + 4] += E * t, C[p + 5] += F * t) : A && !z ? (s = x * b, C[p] += D * s, C[p + 1] += E * s, C[p + 2] += F * s, t = y * b, C[p + 3 * h] += D * t, C[p + 3 * h + 1] += E * t, C[p + 3 * h + 2] += F * t) : (s = u * x, C[p] += D * s, C[p + 1] += E * s, C[p + 2] += F * s, t = v * x, C[p + 3] += D * t, C[p + 4] += E * t, C[p + 5] += F * t, t = u * y, C[p + 3 * h] += D * t, C[p + 3 * h + 1] += E * t, C[p + 3 * h + 2] += F * t, t = v * y, C[p + 3 * h + 3] += D * t, C[p + 3 * h + 4] += E * t, C[p + 3 * h + 5] += F * t) : (C[p] += D * e, C[p + 1] += E * e, C[p + 2] += F * e);
    var G = document.createElement("canvas");
    G.width = h, G.height = i;
    var H = G.getContext("2d"),
        I = H.getImageData(0, 0, h, i),
        J = I.data,
        K = 0;
    for (l = 0, p = 0; K < h * i; l += 3, p += 4, K++) J[p] = c(C[l]), J[p + 1] = c(C[l + 1]), J[p + 2] = c(C[l + 2]), J[p + 3] = 255;
    return H.putImageData(I, 0, 0), G

dohhhhhh !!

By fotogena.co sonickseven, 2019-10-13 00:10:25
var doc = (Parent as Doc);
doc.Name = (doc != null) ? "" : doc.Name
By MSx, 2020-01-16 12:39:39
$config = Config::getConfig('common');
$contract_carriers = $config[$market . "_" . $clearing . '_contract_carriers']; // f**ing php array
$interline_carriers = $config[$market . "_" . $clearing . '_interline_carriers']; // another f**ing array
// $marketing_carriers - is also array

$sets = [];
foreach ($marketing_carriers as $mc) {
  $sets[] = array_unique(array_intersect(
        isset(self::$interlines[$mc]) ? self::$interlines[$mc] : [],
By Anonymous, 2018-01-16 10:56:13
private void reset_kolejnosc()
	this.kolejnosc_s[0] = 1;
	this.kolejnosc_s[1] = 2;
	this.kolejnosc_s[2] = 3;
	this.kolejnosc_s[3] = 4;
	this.kolejnosc_s[4] = 5;
	this.kolejnosc_s[5] = 6;
	this.kolejnosc_s[6] = 7;
	this.kolejnosc_s[7] = 8;
	this.kolejnosc_s[8] = 9;
	this.kolejnosc_s[9] = 10;
By winek, 2016-07-17 00:16:00
const ITEM_COUNT = 100
let visibleItems = []
for (let i = 0; i < ITEM_COUNT; ++i) {

function showItem(index) {
  visibleItems = []
  for (let i = 0; i < ITEM_COUNT; ++i) {
  visibleItems[index] = true

It was more or less like this. The guy had a collection of React components and wanted to show only one of them at a time. Instead of storing the index of the component to show at the moment, he decided that a boolean array would work much better. O(n) in runtime and space and null readability just because.

By Anonymous, 2019-12-07 11:59:58
    $partnerChargesRegular = $row['charges'];
    $partnerChargesIrregular = $row['charges'];
    if (!isset($partnerChargesIrregular) || $partnerChargesIrregular == "") {
      $partnerChargesIrregular = $partnerChargesRegular;

Look. We take A from X and B from X. Then, you make a check, and if it is true you assing A to B. BUT A AND B ARE TAKEN FROM THE SAME X PLACE!!! HOW CAN THEY DIFFER?!?!!!?!?!?!?!!

By My boss, 2018-02-20 10:06:53
    self.isOptionsVisible = ko.computed(function() {
        if((self.type() == 'select') || (self.type() == 'multiselect') || (self.type() == 'radio') || (self.type() == 'checkbox') || (self.type() == 'upload')) {
            return true;

        return false;
    }, this);

    self.isNameVisible = ko.computed(function() {
        if((self.type() == 'text') || (self.type() == 'textarea') || (self.type() == 'select') || (self.type() == 'multiselect') || (self.type() == 'radio') || (self.type() == 'checkbox') || (self.type() == 'upload')) {
            return true;

        return false;
    }, this);

    self.isBeforeAfterImagesVisible = ko.computed(function() {
        if((self.type() == 'text') || (self.type() == 'textarea') || (self.type() == 'select') || (self.type() == 'multiselect') || (self.type() == 'radio') || (self.type() == 'checkbox') || (self.type() == 'upload')) {
            return true;

        return false;
    }, this);

    self.isTooltipVisible = ko.computed(function() {
        if((self.type() == 'text') || (self.type() == 'textarea') || (self.type() == 'select') || (self.type() == 'multiselect') || (self.type() == 'radio') || (self.type() == 'checkbox') || (self.type() == 'upload')) {
            return true;

        return false;
    }, this);

    self.isLabelVisible = ko.computed(function() {
        if((self.type() == 'text') || (self.type() == 'textarea') || (self.type() == 'select') || (self.type() == 'multiselect') || (self.type() == 'radio') || (self.type() == 'checkbox') || (self.type() == 'upload') || (self.type() == 'info')) {
            return true;

        return false;
    }, this);

    self.isClassVisible = ko.computed(function() {
        if((self.type() == 'text') || (self.type() == 'textarea') || (self.type() == 'select') || (self.type() == 'multiselect') || (self.type() == 'radio') || (self.type() == 'checkbox') || (self.type() == 'upload')) {
            return true;

        return false;
    }, this);

    self.isStyleVisible = ko.computed(function() {
        if((self.type() == 'text') || (self.type() == 'textarea') || (self.type() == 'select') || (self.type() == 'multiselect') || (self.type() == 'radio') || (self.type() == 'checkbox') || (self.type() == 'upload')) {
            return true;

        return false;
    }, this);

object orientation overrated. let's check the fields in several places ...

By Dude, 2020-12-16 12:25:17