const newReply = (reply !== null) ? reply : null;
// var array = retrieveArrayValue();
var filteredArray = array.filter(function (element, index, array) {
return array.indexOf(element) == index;
// processArray(filteredArray);
request.get_something = (something_id) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
database.find_all('something', { where: {something_id: something_id, is_deleted:0} }).then(function(res){
let result = {};
res = JSON.stringify(res);
res = JSON.parse(res);
if(typeof element.is_deleted != "undefined"){
delete element.is_deleted;
let key = 'something_' +;
result[key] = element;
}, reject);
this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this)
this.onClose = this.onClose.bind(this)
somewhere in react-native app
(this.router.state['view']['data'] || {})['menuOpen'] && this.router.navigateBack();
That's how pros are javascripting
function deleteConfirm() {
var result = confirm("Are you sure to delete this customer ?");
if (result) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// If statement? what's that??
// Naming conventions? Of course not!
// true/false keywords? I never heard it.
boolVALUE != !1 && dtTEXTVALUE.indexOf('http://') != -1 && (dtTEXTVALUE = dtTEXTVALUE.replace('http://','')) && dtTEXTVALUE.indexOf('.aspx') == -1 && (dtTEXTVALUE += '.aspx');
return dtTEXTVALUE;
Here's the weirdest way to create if statement with terrible naming conventions. Its based on real events and production code.
//Calculates x² of an integer up to ±1 million
var square = (function () {
var s = "if(A==B){return C;}";
var func = "var A=Math.abs(D|0);";
for (var i = 0; i <= 1000000; i++) {
func += s.replace(/B/, i).replace(/C/, i * i);
return new Function("D", func + "return Infinity;");
function IsNumeric(sText) {
var ValidChars = "0123456789.";
var IsNumber = true;
var Char;
for (i = 0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++) {
Char = sText.charAt(i);
if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) {
IsNumber = false;
return IsNumber;
So I suppose that "........" is a valid number...
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option7'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option5'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option4'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option3'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option2'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option1'), 1);
const convertMenu = menus => {
const menusAssinged = menus.filter(menu => menu.parentId == null).sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order).map(menu => {
if (menus.some(element => element.parentId == menu.menuId)) {
return {
title: menu.title,
icon: { icon: menu.icon },
children: menus.filter(menuChil => menuChil.parentId == menu.menuId).sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order).map(menuChil => {
if (menuChil.pathRoute.includes(":")) {
const params = menuChil.pathRoute.split(":").pop()
return {
title: menuChil.title,
to: { name: menuChil.nameRoute, params: { [params]: "abc" } },
} else {
return {
title: menuChil.title,
to: menuChil.nameRoute,
} else {
return {
title: menu.title,
icon: { icon: menu.icon },
to: menu.nameRoute,
menusUser.value = menusAssinged
localStorage.setItem('menus', JSON.stringify(menusAssinged))
when they exorcise the callbacks demon but they appear in functional
let showDots = typeof project.showDots === 'boolean' ? project.showDots : false;
if (showDots) {
// Somecode ...
Why, just why??
if (botCount < botCount)
My friend wrote this code recently
isCreatedUser : !this.isEdit ? true : false
Vue.js project, someone wanted to verify if the user was being edited or created...
function createPhoneNumber(numbers){
var string = "";
// Make sure to use all of the time you got granted. Never waste time which is entitled to you!!!!
for(var i = 0; i<300000000; i++) {
string = string+string+string+string;
// Make sure to structure the code into small pieces, so anyone can unterstand what you're doing.
// Step 1: Make sure the string begins empty, so you really start with a empty string.
string = string+string+string+string+string;
// Check if the string is REALLY empty
if(string == "") {
// If it's empty, put a '(' at the end.
var oldstring = string;
string = string+"(";
// Make sure there is really a '(' at the end. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+"(") {
// If everything is fine, add the first number.
oldstring = oldstring+"(";
string = string+numbers[0];
// Check if the first number was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+numbers[0]) {
// If everything is fine, add the second number.
oldstring = oldstring+numbers[0];
string = string+numbers[1];
// Check if the second number was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+numbers[1]) {
// If everything is fine, add the third number.
oldstring = oldstring+numbers[1];
string = string+numbers[2];
// Check if the third number was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+numbers[2]) {
// If everything is fine, add the ')'.
string = string+")";
// Check if the ')' was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+")") {
// If everything is fine, add the ' '.
string = string+" ";
// Check if the ' ' was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+" ") {
// If everything is fine, add the fourth number.
oldstring = oldstring+" ";
string = string+numbers[3];
// Check if the fourth number was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+numbers[3]) {
// If everything is fine, add the fifth number.
oldstring = oldstring+numbers[3];
string = string+numbers[4];
// Check if the fifth number was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+numbers[4]) {
// If everything is fine, add the sixth number.
oldstring = oldstring+numbers[4];
string = string+numbers[5];
// Check if the sixth number was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+numbers[5]) {
// If everything is fine, add the "-".
oldstring = oldstring+numbers[5];
string = string+"-";
// Check if the "-" was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+"-") {
// If everything is fine, add the seventh number.
oldstring = oldstring+"-";
string = string+numbers[6];
// Check if the seventh was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+numbers[6]) {
// If everything is fine, add the eighth number.
oldstring = oldstring+numbers[6]
string = string+numbers[7];
// Check if the eigth was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+numbers[7]) {
// If everything is fine, add the ninth number.
string = string+numbers[8];
// Check if the ninth was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+numbers[8]) {
// If everything is fine, add the tenth number.
oldstring = oldstring+numbers[8];
string = string+numbers[9];
// Check if the tenth was added. If not, repeat!
if(string == oldstring+numbers[9]) {
// If everything is fine, return the string!
return string;
else { string=string+numbers[9]; }
else { string=string+numbers[8]; }
else { string=string+numbers[7]; }
else { string=string+numbers[6]; }
else { string=string+"-"; }
else { string=string+numbers[5]; }
else { string=string+numbers[4]; }
else { string=string+numbers[3]; }
else { string=string+" "; }
else { string = string+")"; }
else { string = string+numbers[2]; }
else { string = string+numbers[1]; }
else { string = string+numbers[0]; }
else { string = string+"("; }
else {
// if this motherfucker is not empty, force him to be
string == "";
// its really important that the string is empty, so check its REEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY EMPTY!!!!!!!!!!!
for(var i = 0; i<700000000; i++) {
string = string+string+string+string;
Write a function that accepts an array of 10 integers (between 0 and 9), that returns a string of those numbers in the form of a phone number.
Example createPhoneNumber([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]) // => returns "(123) 456-7890"