let foo = {} // object no. 1
let bar = {} // object no. 2
foo > bar // return false
foo < bar // return false, so maybe foo equals bar?
foo == bar // oh well, return false
// but
foo >= bar // return true, 'cause !(foo < bar) == true
return value is expected, but JS is funny
(!_.isEmpty($(switcher).val()) && value_isnt == ":empty") ||
((value_isnt) && !$(switcher).is(value_isnt) && value_isnt != ':empty') ||
(value_is && $(switcher).is(value_is) && value_is != ':empty') ||
(value_is == ':empty' && _.isEmpty($(switcher).val())) ||
(value && _switcherValue == value) ||
(valueIn && .anyMatchInArray(valueIn.split(','), .flatten([_switcherValue]))) ||
(valueOut && !.anyMatchInArray(valueOut.split(','), .flatten([_switcherValue])))
if (i === 1 || i === 2 || i === 3 || i === 4 || i === 5 || i === 6 || i === 7 || i === 8 || i === 9 || i === 10){
return true;
for(var j=0;j<10;j++){
case 0:
var date1 = events[i]['start'];
var date2 = events[i]['end'];
cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(date1.getFullYear()+'/'+date1.getMonth()+'/'+date1.getDate()+' '+date1.getHours()+':'+date1.getMinutes()+' To '+date2.getFullYear()+'/'+date2.getMonth()+'/'+date2.getDate()+' '+date2.getHours()+':'+date2.getMinutes()));
case 1: cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(events[i]['title'])); break;
case 2: cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(events[i]['description'])); break;
The for loop that counts to 10, but the last seven
o.isInsured = function ()
{ return !!this.insured; }
Why don't be like normal people and use bool() cast?
// Is this valid?
function validateStockInItems() {
if (stockInItemsToUpdate.length === 0)
return true;
return true;
Found in a legacy code base for a stock management system. I will be rewriting said system soon.
function formatUpToANumberOfZeroesAfterFloatingPoint(number, numberOfZeroes, floatingPointSymbol) {
numberOfZeroes = (numberOfZeroes === undefined || numberOfZeroes < 0) ? 2 : numberOfZeroes;
floatingPointSymbol = floatingPointSymbol === undefined ? '.' : floatingPointSymbol;
let numberSplitByFloatingPoint = number.toString().split(floatingPointSymbol);
if (numberSplitByFloatingPoint.length !== 2)
return `${number}${floatingPointSymbol}${'0'.repeat(+numberOfZeroes)}`;
let numberAfterFloatingPoint = numberSplitByFloatingPoint[1].toString();
let formattedNumber = `${numberSplitByFloatingPoint[0]}`;
let numberAfterFloatingPointLength = numberAfterFloatingPoint.toString().length;
if (+numberOfZeroes > +numberAfterFloatingPointLength)
return `${formattedNumber}${floatingPointSymbol}${numberAfterFloatingPoint}${'0'.repeat(+numberOfZeroes - numberAfterFloatingPointLength)}`;
let countOfNumbersAfterFloatingPoint = numberAfterFloatingPointLength;
for (var i = numberAfterFloatingPointLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (+(numberAfterFloatingPoint[i]) !== 0 || +countOfNumbersAfterFloatingPoint === +numberOfZeroes) {
formattedNumber += `${floatingPointSymbol}${numberAfterFloatingPoint.substring(0, countOfNumbersAfterFloatingPoint)}`;
return formattedNumber;
Well, a junior dev here. A cute female QA came to me with a request - "the field for the price already has precision up to 4 decimal places, but we don't like the 4 ugly zeroes, so if the number ends in zeroes, let it have only 2" - she said in the most innocent-like tone ever known to mankind. How easy I mumbled and accepted the task. As she was leaving she added - "oo almost forgot, we also would like it if all the data fields for the price that are shown in the tables also are formatted that way". As I was watching her better side, while she was getting reunited with her QA tribe, I got shivers down the spine. I had a bad feeling about that one, but I wasn't sure why yet. Suddenly as I was getting up to get a cup of coffe, it dawned on me - "this poor excuse for a project is using jqGrid for displaying the data". To wrap things up - I got a quadruple espresso with a shot of Jacky, developers best friend in a time of need, and came up with this piece of art. Enjoy :)
function returnTrue() {
return true;
var filter = options.dataSource.filter();
if(e.filter) {
filter = filter && filter.filters.length ? filter.filters.concat(e.filter.filter) : e.filter.filters;
else {
filter = filter && filter.filters.length ? filter.filters.linqRemove({ field: e.field }) : [];
Was trying to find a very specific text box and as an AngularJS noob, this was the only way I could find it at first. I eventually figured out how to not do this before it ever got committed to production though. :)
function focused(evt, errors) {
let form = evt.target
const output = errors.map((error)=> {
// Find first component with error on form and set focus to it
let focusedInput = (Object.keys(error) == "phonebookId") ? Object.keys(error) :
(Object.keys(error) == "phonebook_str") ? Object.keys(error) :
(Object.keys(error) == "message") ? Object.keys(error) :
(Object.keys(error) == "image") ? Object.keys(error) :
(Object.keys(error) == "buttonLink") ? Object.keys(error) :
(Object.keys(error) == "messageSms") ? Object.keys(error) : false
return focusedInput.shift()
const selector = output.shift()
form.querySelector('[id="' + selector + '"]').focus()
return selector
What can I say... If you plan to work with freelancers with low rate then you should be ready to find it in them code :)
if(wyraz.charAt(i) <"A"
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "-"
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != " "
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "."
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "&"
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "_"
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "\""
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "'"
) {
if(polska_litera(wyraz.charAt(i) ) == 0 )
return NO;
if(wyraz.charAt(i) >"Z"
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "-"
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != " "
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "."
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "&"
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "_"
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "\""
&& wyraz.charAt(i) != "'"
Just PKP :)
var show = true;
function toggleShow(){
if(show === true){
show = false;
return show;
show = true;
return show;
return show = !show
, dude...
var u = "Browser";
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u = "Android"
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u = "Midori"
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u = "Opera"
} else {
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u = "Maxthon"
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u = "Yandex"
} else {
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u = "Vivaldi"
} else {
if (this.isChrome) {
u = "Chrome"
} else {
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u = "Fennec"
} else {
if (/epiphany/.test(x)) {
u = "Epiphany"
} else {
if (this.isFirefox) {
u = "Firefox"
} else {
if (/uzbl/.test(x)) {
u = "Uzbl"
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u = "Edge"
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u = "IEMetro"
} else {
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u = "IE"
} else {
if (this.isOpera) {
u = "Opera"
} else {
if (this.isIPhone) {
u = "iPhone"
} else {
if (/arora/.test(x)) {
u = "Arora"
} else {
if (this.isSafari) {
u = "Safari"
} else {
if (this.isKonqueror) {
u = "Konqueror"
} else {
if (this.isBlackberry) {
u = "Blackberry"
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if (/phantomjs/.test(x)) {
u = "PhantomJS"
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if (this.isIDevice) {
u = "iOS"
Found when looking at facebook.com code and formatting using google chrome developer tools.