 * Stringify a JSON object
 * @param {*} value JSON value to stringify
 * @returns {string} stringify JSON
function stringify(value) {
    var result = {};
    try {
        result = JSON.stringify(value);
    } catch (e) {
        Logger.error('Error while trying to stringify ' + e);
        result = JSON.stringify(result);
    return result;

Stringify a JSON object

By Ihor Did, 2023-04-12 19:36:08
// What they did:
var serverCommands = {};
for(var each in commandList.general)
    (dmCommands[commandList.general[each].type] ? dmCommands[commandList.general[each].type] +=
    (config.prefix + each + (commandList.general[each].args ? ' ' + commandList.general[each].args : '') +
    ': ' + commandList.general[each].description + '\n') : (dmCommands[commandList.general[each].type] =
    '\u200B'+ config.prefix + each + (commandList.general[each].args ? ' ' + commandList.general[each].args : '') +
    ': ' + commandList.general[each].description + '\n'))

// What they should've done:
let srvrCmds = new Map();
let gldCmds = commandList[message.guild.id];
for (let each in gldCmds) {
    const cur = gldCmds[each];
    const text = `${config.prefix + each + (cur.args ? " " + cur.args : "")}: ${cur.description}\n`;
    const srvrCmdType = srvrCmds.get(cur.type);
    srvrCmds.set(cur.type, (srvrCmdType || "\u200B") + text);
By Anonymous, 2018-01-18 05:57:37
<div class="scrollContent">
	{foreach $animations as $index => $a}
		{if $index > 2}
			{if $a.filename == '9_1447691013_3726.png'}
				{if $a.filename == '9_1423150010_6441.png'}
					{if $a.filename == '9_1423149959_5909.png'}
						{if $a.filename == '9_1423149908_5874.png'}
							{if $a.filename == '9_1528213223_6374.jpg'}
								{if $a.filename == '9_1527670984_3732.jpg'}

							<div class="spotlightFrame frame{$index+1} contains1" data-index="{$index}">
								{if $a.link}<a href="{$a.link}">{/if}
								<img src="/upload/{$a.filename}" alt="{$a.title}" />
								{if $a.link}</a>{/if}


Handovers are great.

By Anonymous, 2018-07-09 14:50:36
$(document).on('click', '.edit-item', function(event) {
    let row_id = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-row'].value,
    data = dataIndex[
        dataIndex.findIndex(i => i.id === Number(row_id))
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(1) input').attr('value', data.name)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(2) input').attr('value', data.category)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(3) #basicSelect').val(data.status)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(4) input').attr('value', data.price)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(5) input').attr('value', data.bju.mass)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(6) input').attr('value', data.bju.calories)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(7) input').attr('value', data.bju.proteins)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(8) input').attr('value', data.bju.fats)
    $('.modal-body div:nth-child(9) input').attr('value', data.bju.carbohydrates)
By Nik Destrave, 2021-05-30 21:59:31
		roots.push(resolver(Config.root, `${pageDir}${path.sep}${page}${path.sep}${page}.html`));
By Anonymous, 2023-04-01 10:39:37
class FileReader extends EventTarget(...READER_EVENTS) {
    // [...]
    readAsArrayBuffer() {
        throw new Error('FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer is not implemented');

React Native's way of saying they don't support FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer()

By Aurovik, 2018-12-12 12:50:22
for (const order of orders) {
    for (const resultItem of results) {
        if (resultItem.machine != "TRANSFER") {
            shiftsLoop: for (const shift of resultItem.shifts) {
                if (shift.products) {
                    for (const product of shift.products) {
                        if (product.product == order.product) {
                            for (const routing of routings) {
                                if (routing.output == order.product) {
                                    const machinePlant = findMachinePlant(resultItem.machine, machines)
                                    if (routing.type == "ODP") {
                                        if (machinePlant == order.plant) {
                                            const msg = createMessage(order, shift, resultItem.machine, CHOR)
                                        } else {
                                            //CHEE CHIE CHEI
                                        break shiftsLoop
                                    } else if (routing.type == "OCL" || routing.type == "RCL") {
                                        const msg = createMessage(order, shift, resultItem.machine, CHCL)
By sgaloppo, 2021-08-28 20:28:59
this.props.HeaderStore.setHeader(true, null, false, false, true, true,'dashboardNavigation');
By Fluttershy, 2018-01-19 08:53:26
if (cookiesBannerHeight !== 0 && isMobile) {
      style = {
        top: cookiesBannerHeight === 0 ? 0 : cookiesBannerHeight
By Kubus, 2018-02-28 11:00:11
// powtierdzenie decyzji
function zapytaj(pytanie){
	if(confirm(pytanie)) return true
	else return false;
By first year student, 2018-10-02 21:30:46

Someones idea of how to select an element to scroll to.... Please no.

By Anonymous, 2019-09-27 15:20:17
const setFormFlag(state){
    state.formFlag ? state.formFlag = false : state.formFlag = true;
By Apeiron, 2018-07-27 20:43:23
pageEndReached() {
      if (!this.endOfResults) {
        //load more pages
      followerCount: null,
      postCount: null,
      measurementKeys: ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
      showDrafts: false,


By sonic, 2021-06-08 22:52:01
if(typeof(sortOrder) != "boolean"){        
    return items;
filtered.sort(function (a, b) {
    if(sortOrder == true){
        return (CustomOrder(a.status) > CustomOrder(b.status) ? 1 : -1);
    else if(sortOrder == false){
        return (CustomOrder(a.status) < CustomOrder(b.status) ? 1 : -1);

The status property is a string ("Started", "Running", "Failed", "Finished", etc.), and CustomOrder is a function with a switch that just returns a predefined integer for each string. I switched CustomOrder to just be a simple lookup table object, and the sort call was changed to filtered.sort((a, b) => CustomOrder[a.status] - CustomOrder[b.status]);

By Anonymous, 2017-12-13 00:06:25
let already_in = True;
while (already_in) {
    let random_index = Math.floor(arr.length * Math.random());
    let already_in = False;
    for (ex of exs) {
        if (ex.id === arr[random_index].id) {
            already_in = True;

Yes, this is JavaScript, and yes it didn't work. Found while reviewing some code

By L., 2021-05-17 11:20:12