def MergeThings(config_file, list_of_things, output_dir):
    # read configparser config
    config = read_config(config_file)

    thing_string = ' --option '.join(list_of_things)

    cmd = ''
    cleaner_cmd = ''
    cleaner_cmd = """&& a=%s ; s=`python -c "b=[line.split() for line in  open('$a') if line.startswith('#COMMENT')][0][7:]; print '-ab ' +  ' -ab '.join([b[0]] +  b[-len(b)/2:])"`; java -Xmx1g -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 -jar /path/to/a/java/command.jar -Z SelectThings -Y %s -W $a -U %s $s""" % (
        os.path.join(output_dir, config.get('PARAMETERS', 'NAME') + '.file.extension'), config.get('FILES' + config.get('PARAMETERS', 'REFERENCE'), 'REF'), os.path.join(output_dir, config.get('PARAMETERS', 'NAME') + '.cleaned.file.extention'))
    cmd = '%s -Xmx1g -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 -jar %s -A doThings -B %s --option %s -otherOptions UNIQUE -C %s %s -D' % (config.get('SCRIPTS', 'JAVA'), config.get(
        'SCRIPTS', 'OTHER_SCRIPT'), config.get('FILES' + config.get('PARAMETERS', 'REFERENCE'), 'REF'), thing_string, os.path.join(output_dir, config.get('PARAMETERS', 'NAME') + '.file.extention.gz'), cleaner_cmd)

    return cmd

When scientists write code, sometimes it's not pretty. It's rather redacted ("thing" was not "thing" in the original). I especially love that the Bash part uses `` rather than $().

By AnonyMouse, 2019-07-17 04:14:11
form = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.mobilityDistanceForm.getRawValue()));
By tralaladidou, 2019-07-15 20:41:51
function generateArrayFrom1To10()
    let a = 0;
    let b = 1;
    let c = 3;
    let d = 4;
    let e = 5;
    let f = 6;
    let g = 7;
    let h = 8;
    let i = 9;
    let array = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i];
    return array;
By Melon Tasters, 2019-07-11 18:06:38
function IsNumeric(sText) {
    var ValidChars = "0123456789.";
    var IsNumber = true;
    var Char;
    for (i = 0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++) {
        Char = sText.charAt(i);
        if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) {
            IsNumber = false;
    return IsNumber;

So I suppose that "........" is a valid number...

By L, 2019-07-10 16:05:03
# Create vpc peering connection
response = ec2.delete_vpc_peering_connection(peer_connection_id)

a part of AWS Landing Zone solution

By Amazon Solutions, 2019-07-10 12:49:42
        protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
            Current.DispatcherUnhandledException += ApplicationUnhandledException;


#if (DEBUG)


        private static void RunInReleaseMode(string[] args)
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += AppDomainUnhandledException;

                SplashScreen screen = new SplashScreen(@"Images\splashscreen.png");
                screen.Show(true, true);

            catch (Exception ex)

        private static void RunInDebugMode(string[] args)
            var bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper();
By Anonymous, 2019-07-09 09:44:00
ngOnInit() {
    this._FunctionService.getSicksList().then(res => {
        let resf:any = res;
        if (resf.err) {
        } else {
            this.diagnosticAll =
    }, err => { })
ngOnInit() {
    this._FunctionService.getSicksList().then(res => {
        this.diagnosticAll =
    }, err => { })
By ElkinDev, 2019-06-27 15:18:41
// GetModelStruct get value's model struct, relationships based on struct and tag definition
func (scope *Scope) GetModelStruct() *ModelStruct {
	var modelStruct ModelStruct
	// Scope value can't be nil
	if scope.Value == nil {
		return &modelStruct

	reflectType := reflect.ValueOf(scope.Value).Type()
	for reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Slice || reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		reflectType = reflectType.Elem()

	// Scope value need to be a struct
	if reflectType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
		return &modelStruct

	// Get Cached model struct
	isSingularTable := false
	if scope.db != nil && scope.db.parent != nil {
		isSingularTable = scope.db.parent.singularTable

	hashKey := struct {
		singularTable bool
		reflectType   reflect.Type
	}{isSingularTable, reflectType}
	if value, ok := modelStructsMap.Load(hashKey); ok && value != nil {
		return value.(*ModelStruct)

	modelStruct.ModelType = reflectType

	// Get all fields
	for i := 0; i < reflectType.NumField(); i++ {
		if fieldStruct := reflectType.Field(i); ast.IsExported(fieldStruct.Name) {
			field := &StructField{
				Struct:      fieldStruct,
				Name:        fieldStruct.Name,
				Names:       []string{fieldStruct.Name},
				Tag:         fieldStruct.Tag,
				TagSettings: parseTagSetting(fieldStruct.Tag),

			// is ignored field
			if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("-"); ok {
				field.IsIgnored = true
			} else {
				if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("PRIMARY_KEY"); ok {
					field.IsPrimaryKey = true
					modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, field)

				if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("DEFAULT"); ok && !field.IsPrimaryKey {
					field.HasDefaultValue = true

				if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("AUTO_INCREMENT"); ok && !field.IsPrimaryKey {
					field.HasDefaultValue = true

				indirectType := fieldStruct.Type
				for indirectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
					indirectType = indirectType.Elem()

				fieldValue := reflect.New(indirectType).Interface()
				if _, isScanner := fieldValue.(sql.Scanner); isScanner {
					// is scanner
					field.IsScanner, field.IsNormal = true, true
					if indirectType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
						for i := 0; i < indirectType.NumField(); i++ {
							for key, value := range parseTagSetting(indirectType.Field(i).Tag) {
								if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet(key); !ok {
									field.TagSettingsSet(key, value)
				} else if _, isTime := fieldValue.(*time.Time); isTime {
					// is time
					field.IsNormal = true
				} else if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("EMBEDDED"); ok || fieldStruct.Anonymous {
					// is embedded struct
					for _, subField := range scope.New(fieldValue).GetModelStruct().StructFields {
						subField = subField.clone()
						subField.Names = append([]string{fieldStruct.Name}, subField.Names...)
						if prefix, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("EMBEDDED_PREFIX"); ok {
							subField.DBName = prefix + subField.DBName

						if subField.IsPrimaryKey {
							if _, ok := subField.TagSettingsGet("PRIMARY_KEY"); ok {
								modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, subField)
							} else {
								subField.IsPrimaryKey = false

						if subField.Relationship != nil && subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler != nil {
							if joinTableHandler, ok := subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler.(*JoinTableHandler); ok {
								newJoinTableHandler := &JoinTableHandler{}
								newJoinTableHandler.Setup(subField.Relationship, joinTableHandler.TableName, reflectType, joinTableHandler.Destination.ModelType)
								subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler = newJoinTableHandler

						modelStruct.StructFields = append(modelStruct.StructFields, subField)
				} else {
					// build relationships
					switch indirectType.Kind() {
					case reflect.Slice:
						defer func(field *StructField) {
							var (
								relationship           = &Relationship{}
								toScope                = scope.New(reflect.New(field.Struct.Type).Interface())
								foreignKeys            []string
								associationForeignKeys []string
								elemType               = field.Struct.Type

							if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
								foreignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")

							if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATION_FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
								associationForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
							} else if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATIONFOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
								associationForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")

							for elemType.Kind() == reflect.Slice || elemType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
								elemType = elemType.Elem()

							if elemType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
								if many2many, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("MANY2MANY"); many2many != "" {
									relationship.Kind = "many_to_many"

									{ // Foreign Keys for Source
										joinTableDBNames := []string{}

										if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("JOINTABLE_FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
											joinTableDBNames = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")

										// if no foreign keys defined with tag
										if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
											for _, field := range modelStruct.PrimaryFields {
												foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, field.DBName)

										for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
											if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
												// source foreign keys (db names)
												relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.DBName)

												// setup join table foreign keys for source
												if len(joinTableDBNames) > idx {
													// if defined join table's foreign key
													relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, joinTableDBNames[idx])
												} else {
													defaultJointableForeignKey := ToColumnName(reflectType.Name()) + "_" + foreignField.DBName
													relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, defaultJointableForeignKey)

									{ // Foreign Keys for Association (Destination)
										associationJoinTableDBNames := []string{}

										if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATION_JOINTABLE_FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
											associationJoinTableDBNames = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")

										// if no association foreign keys defined with tag
										if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
											for _, field := range toScope.PrimaryFields() {
												associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, field.DBName)

										for idx, name := range associationForeignKeys {
											if field, ok := toScope.FieldByName(name); ok {
												// association foreign keys (db names)
												relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, field.DBName)

												// setup join table foreign keys for association
												if len(associationJoinTableDBNames) > idx {
													relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, associationJoinTableDBNames[idx])
												} else {
													// join table foreign keys for association
													joinTableDBName := ToColumnName(elemType.Name()) + "_" + field.DBName
													relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, joinTableDBName)

									joinTableHandler := JoinTableHandler{}
									joinTableHandler.Setup(relationship, many2many, reflectType, elemType)
									relationship.JoinTableHandler = &joinTableHandler
									field.Relationship = relationship
								} else {
									// User has many comments, associationType is User, comment use UserID as foreign key
									var associationType = reflectType.Name()
									var toFields = toScope.GetStructFields()
									relationship.Kind = "has_many"

									if polymorphic, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("POLYMORPHIC"); polymorphic != "" {
										// Dog has many toys, tag polymorphic is Owner, then associationType is Owner
										// Toy use OwnerID, OwnerType ('dogs') as foreign key
										if polymorphicType := getForeignField(polymorphic+"Type", toFields); polymorphicType != nil {
											associationType = polymorphic
											relationship.PolymorphicType = polymorphicType.Name
											relationship.PolymorphicDBName = polymorphicType.DBName
											// if Dog has multiple set of toys set name of the set (instead of default 'dogs')
											if value, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("POLYMORPHIC_VALUE"); ok {
												relationship.PolymorphicValue = value
											} else {
												relationship.PolymorphicValue = scope.TableName()
											polymorphicType.IsForeignKey = true

									// if no foreign keys defined with tag
									if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
										// if no association foreign keys defined with tag
										if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
											for _, field := range modelStruct.PrimaryFields {
												foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+field.Name)
												associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, field.Name)
										} else {
											// generate foreign keys from defined association foreign keys
											for _, scopeFieldName := range associationForeignKeys {
												if foreignField := getForeignField(scopeFieldName, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
													foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+foreignField.Name)
													associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, foreignField.Name)
									} else {
										// generate association foreign keys from foreign keys
										if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
											for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
												if strings.HasPrefix(foreignKey, associationType) {
													associationForeignKey := strings.TrimPrefix(foreignKey, associationType)
													if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
														associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, associationForeignKey)
											if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 && len(foreignKeys) == 1 {
												associationForeignKeys = []string{scope.PrimaryKey()}
										} else if len(foreignKeys) != len(associationForeignKeys) {
											scope.Err(errors.New("invalid foreign keys, should have same length"))

									for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
										if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
											if associationField := getForeignField(associationForeignKeys[idx], modelStruct.StructFields); associationField != nil {
												// source foreign keys
												foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
												relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, associationField.Name)
												relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, associationField.DBName)

												// association foreign keys
												relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
												relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)

									if len(relationship.ForeignFieldNames) != 0 {
										field.Relationship = relationship
							} else {
								field.IsNormal = true
					case reflect.Struct:
						defer func(field *StructField) {
							var (
								// user has one profile, associationType is User, profile use UserID as foreign key
								// user belongs to profile, associationType is Profile, user use ProfileID as foreign key
								associationType           = reflectType.Name()
								relationship              = &Relationship{}
								toScope                   = scope.New(reflect.New(field.Struct.Type).Interface())
								toFields                  = toScope.GetStructFields()
								tagForeignKeys            []string
								tagAssociationForeignKeys []string

							if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
								tagForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")

							if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATION_FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
								tagAssociationForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
							} else if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATIONFOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
								tagAssociationForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")

							if polymorphic, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("POLYMORPHIC"); polymorphic != "" {
								// Cat has one toy, tag polymorphic is Owner, then associationType is Owner
								// Toy use OwnerID, OwnerType ('cats') as foreign key
								if polymorphicType := getForeignField(polymorphic+"Type", toFields); polymorphicType != nil {
									associationType = polymorphic
									relationship.PolymorphicType = polymorphicType.Name
									relationship.PolymorphicDBName = polymorphicType.DBName
									// if Cat has several different types of toys set name for each (instead of default 'cats')
									if value, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("POLYMORPHIC_VALUE"); ok {
										relationship.PolymorphicValue = value
									} else {
										relationship.PolymorphicValue = scope.TableName()
									polymorphicType.IsForeignKey = true

							// Has One
								var foreignKeys = tagForeignKeys
								var associationForeignKeys = tagAssociationForeignKeys
								// if no foreign keys defined with tag
								if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
									// if no association foreign keys defined with tag
									if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
										for _, primaryField := range modelStruct.PrimaryFields {
											foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+primaryField.Name)
											associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, primaryField.Name)
									} else {
										// generate foreign keys form association foreign keys
										for _, associationForeignKey := range tagAssociationForeignKeys {
											if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
												foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+foreignField.Name)
												associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, foreignField.Name)
								} else {
									// generate association foreign keys from foreign keys
									if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
										for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
											if strings.HasPrefix(foreignKey, associationType) {
												associationForeignKey := strings.TrimPrefix(foreignKey, associationType)
												if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
													associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, associationForeignKey)
										if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 && len(foreignKeys) == 1 {
											associationForeignKeys = []string{scope.PrimaryKey()}
									} else if len(foreignKeys) != len(associationForeignKeys) {
										scope.Err(errors.New("invalid foreign keys, should have same length"))

								for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
									if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
										if scopeField := getForeignField(associationForeignKeys[idx], modelStruct.StructFields); scopeField != nil {
											foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
											// source foreign keys
											relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, scopeField.Name)
											relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, scopeField.DBName)

											// association foreign keys
											relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
											relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)

							if len(relationship.ForeignFieldNames) != 0 {
								relationship.Kind = "has_one"
								field.Relationship = relationship
							} else {
								var foreignKeys = tagForeignKeys
								var associationForeignKeys = tagAssociationForeignKeys

								if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
									// generate foreign keys & association foreign keys
									if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
										for _, primaryField := range toScope.PrimaryFields() {
											foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, field.Name+primaryField.Name)
											associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, primaryField.Name)
									} else {
										// generate foreign keys with association foreign keys
										for _, associationForeignKey := range associationForeignKeys {
											if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
												foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, field.Name+foreignField.Name)
												associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, foreignField.Name)
								} else {
									// generate foreign keys & association foreign keys
									if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
										for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
											if strings.HasPrefix(foreignKey, field.Name) {
												associationForeignKey := strings.TrimPrefix(foreignKey, field.Name)
												if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
													associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, associationForeignKey)
										if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 && len(foreignKeys) == 1 {
											associationForeignKeys = []string{toScope.PrimaryKey()}
									} else if len(foreignKeys) != len(associationForeignKeys) {
										scope.Err(errors.New("invalid foreign keys, should have same length"))

								for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
									if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
										if associationField := getForeignField(associationForeignKeys[idx], toFields); associationField != nil {
											foreignField.IsForeignKey = true

											// association foreign keys
											relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, associationField.Name)
											relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, associationField.DBName)

											// source foreign keys
											relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
											relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)

								if len(relationship.ForeignFieldNames) != 0 {
									relationship.Kind = "belongs_to"
									field.Relationship = relationship
						field.IsNormal = true

			// Even it is ignored, also possible to decode db value into the field
			if value, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("COLUMN"); ok {
				field.DBName = value
			} else {
				field.DBName = ToColumnName(fieldStruct.Name)

			modelStruct.StructFields = append(modelStruct.StructFields, field)

	if len(modelStruct.PrimaryFields) == 0 {
		if field := getForeignField("id", modelStruct.StructFields); field != nil {
			field.IsPrimaryKey = true
			modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, field)

	modelStructsMap.Store(hashKey, &modelStruct)

	return &modelStruct
By Anonymous, 2019-06-12 20:07:03
auto settingsFileSize = static_cast<int>(sizeof(_settings));

This was in release branch for a month. Casting wasn't even necessary.

By Your favourite co-worker., 2019-06-04 09:05:15
void destroy_phone(T9obj* ptr_T9Obj){

Such thoughtful name!

By farhanhubble, 2019-05-30 08:57:39

var move=0;
var kier=0;
var pic=0;
var rol=0;

var rol2=171;
var rol3=343;
var rol4=514;
var rol2_cel=171;
var rol3_cel=343;
var rol4_cel=514;

function onpic(p) {

function offpic(p) {
  if( pic==p ) pic=0;

 function next() { if(move<40) move = 40; kier=0; }
 function prev() { if(move<40) move = 60; kier=1; }
 function set() {

function SetOpacity(object,opacityPct)
  // IE. = 'alpha(opacity=' + opacityPct + ')';
  // Old mozilla and firefox = opacityPct/100;
  // Everything else. = opacityPct/100;

var randtim=new Array(110,103,130,125,108,118,112,122,101,100);
var showtimer=0;
var showpic=1;

 function Animuj() {
   if( pic==0 ) {
   } else if( pic==1 ) {
   } else if( pic==2 ) {
   } else if( pic==3 ) {
   } else if( pic==4 ) {
   var a = (rol2-rol2_cel)/10; if(( a< -0.1 )&&( a> -1 )) a = -1; if(( a>0.1 )&&( a<1 )) a = 1;
   if( rol2!=rol2_cel ) rol2-= a;
   var a = (rol3-rol3_cel)/10; if(( a< -0.1 )&&( a> -1 )) a = -1; if(( a>0.1 )&&( a<1 )) a = 1;
   if( rol3!=rol3_cel ) rol3-= a;
   var a = (rol4-rol4_cel)/10; if(( a< -0.1 )&&( a> -1 )) a = -1; if(( a>0.1 )&&( a<1 )) a = 1;
   if( rol4!=rol4_cel ) rol4-= a;

 if(showtimer>100) {
  for( st=0; st<9; ++st ) {
   if(showtimer==randtim[st]) { SetOpacity(document.getElementById("ps"+st), 0); document.getElementById("ps"+st).style.backgroundImage="url('cs/log"+showpic+".jpg')"; }
   if(showtimer==(randtim[st]+1)) SetOpacity(document.getElementById("ps"+st),20); 
   if(showtimer==(randtim[st]+2)) SetOpacity(document.getElementById("ps"+st),40); 
   if(showtimer==(randtim[st]+3)) SetOpacity(document.getElementById("ps"+st),60); 
   if(showtimer==(randtim[st]+4)) SetOpacity(document.getElementById("ps"+st),80); 
   if(showtimer==(randtim[st]+5)) { document.getElementById("pn"+st).style.backgroundImage="url('cs/log"+showpic+".jpg')"; SetOpacity(document.getElementById("ps"+st),0); }
  if(showtimer>150) {
   for( st=0; st<9; ++st ) randtim[st]=Math.floor(Math.random()*26)+100;
   showpic+=1; if(showpic>2) showpic=0;


 window.setInterval("Animuj()", 50);

This is how public money is spent in poland

By Anonymous, 2019-05-29 18:35:09
def get_schema(self, schema: object) -> object:
    """Get the Schema class
    if isinstance(schema, str):
        Schema = getattr(self.request["operation"], schema, None)
        Schema = schema
    if Schema is None:
        Schema = getattr(self, schema, None)
        if Schema is None:
            raise web.HTTPNotImplemented
    return Schema

I don't even know what to say

By why, 2019-05-23 20:19:52
        if (CATEGORY_NORMAL.equalsIgnoreCase(categorie)) {
            return assignGroupStartWithPrefix(assignmentGroups);
        } else if (CATEGORY_EXTERNAL.equalsIgnoreCase(categorie)) {
            return assignGroupStartWithPrefix(assignmentGroups);
By Anon, 2019-05-14 13:58:23
function renderGroupSelectedSuccessors() {
    var index = 0;
    if (tempSuccessorsGroupsList != null && tempSuccessorsGroupsList.length > 0) {
        var groups = tempSuccessorsGroupsList.splice(0, PageSettings.lazyRenderItemsPerPage);
        var groupSuccessors = '';
        for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
            if (index % 10 == 0) {
                groupSuccessors += '<div style="float: left;"><ul>';
            groupSuccessors += '<li><a data-groupid="'+groups[i].GroupID+'">' + groups[i].GroupName + '</a></li>';            
            if (index % 10 == 0 || i == groups.length - 1) {
                groupSuccessors += '</ul></div>';
        setTimeout(renderGroupSelectedSuccessors, 50);

Where does the data come from? Where does it go? Why isn't this an endless recursive loop? Why has this worked for three years?

By Anonymous, 2019-05-10 13:20:47
"check cassandra config" in {
  val config: Configuration = pureconfig.loadConfigOrThrow[Configuration]
  config.cassandra.hosts shouldBe List("")
  config.cassandra.keyspace shouldBe "releases"

Why not to check works cassandra or not? What is the difference between this and hardcoding data right in source?

By Anonymous, 2019-05-07 18:28:04