def MergeThings(config_file, list_of_things, output_dir):
# read configparser config
config = read_config(config_file)
thing_string = ' --option '.join(list_of_things)
cmd = ''
cleaner_cmd = ''
cleaner_cmd = """&& a=%s ; s=`python -c "b=[line.split() for line in open('$a') if line.startswith('#COMMENT')][0][7:]; print '-ab ' + ' -ab '.join([b[0]] + b[-len(b)/2:])"`; java -Xmx1g -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 -jar /path/to/a/java/command.jar -Z SelectThings -Y %s -W $a -U %s $s""" % (
os.path.join(output_dir, config.get('PARAMETERS', 'NAME') + '.file.extension'), config.get('FILES' + config.get('PARAMETERS', 'REFERENCE'), 'REF'), os.path.join(output_dir, config.get('PARAMETERS', 'NAME') + '.cleaned.file.extention'))
cmd = '%s -Xmx1g -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 -jar %s -A doThings -B %s --option %s -otherOptions UNIQUE -C %s %s -D' % (config.get('SCRIPTS', 'JAVA'), config.get(
'SCRIPTS', 'OTHER_SCRIPT'), config.get('FILES' + config.get('PARAMETERS', 'REFERENCE'), 'REF'), thing_string, os.path.join(output_dir, config.get('PARAMETERS', 'NAME') + '.file.extention.gz'), cleaner_cmd)
return cmd
When scientists write code, sometimes it's not pretty. It's rather redacted ("thing" was not "thing" in the original). I especially love that the Bash part uses `` rather than $().