ngOnInit() {
    this._FunctionService.getSicksList().then(res => {
        let resf:any = res;
        if (resf.err) {
        } else {
            this.diagnosticAll =
    }, err => { })
ngOnInit() {
    this._FunctionService.getSicksList().then(res => {
        this.diagnosticAll =
    }, err => { })
By ElkinDev, 2019-06-27 15:18:41
// comment out the following two lines when deployed to production
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true);
defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'dev');

Never, ever define developer environment and debug as default thing! #pdk

By kadet, 2021-03-08 23:28:18
 SELECT CAST(CASE a8900.AllowCloserChanges
             WHEN 0
             THEN 0
             ELSE 1 END AS BIT) AllowCloserChanges
 FROM Vision.sub8900.tApplication8900 a8900 
 WHERE a8900.ApplicationNum = @ApplicationNum

Inheriting others' code in the fun world of corporate development.

By The snitch, 2017-12-15 21:21:56
// We have this enum.
enum Formula {
  case proposition(String)
  indirect case negation(Formula)
  indirect case operation(op: String, lhs: Formula, rhs: Formula)

  var nnf: Formula { /* ... */  }

// And now ...

switch formula.nnf {
 case .proposition(_):
   return formula.nnf
 case .negation(_):
   return formula.nnf
 case .operation(_, _, _):
   return formula.nnf
By Anonymous, 2018-01-08 11:04:54
  $guard = ($vars->a_payment) + (0) * $price;
  if ($bless >= $guard) {
    $amount = $bless;

Why not to write just 1 line?! $amount = max($bless, $vars->a_payment);

By Anonymous, 2018-02-05 17:27:25
#265 PHP +18
if((strtotime(date("Y-m-d"))-strtotime(date("Y-m-d", filemtime($filename))))/(3600)<=$config->hourDiff) return true; else return false;

please notice the brackets around 3600

By Anonymous, 2018-03-13 21:56:00
    if (preg_match("/^N/",$postcode)) {
        if (preg_match("/^NW/", $postcode)) {
            if (!preg_match("/^NW1/", $postcode)) {
                // NORTH WEST (NW2, NW3, NW4, NW5, NW6, NW7, NW8, NW9, NW10)
                $property['Prop_area'] = 'NW';
            } else {
                // NW1 which is Central
                $property['Prop_area'] = 'SW';
        } else {
            // NORTH  (N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 etc)
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'N';
    } else if (preg_match("/^W/",$postcode)) {
        if (
            !preg_match("/^W1 /",$postcode)
            && !preg_match("/^W2 /",$postcode)
            && !preg_match("/^W8/",$postcode)
            && !preg_match("/^W11/",$postcode)
        ) {
            // WEST includes (W3, W4, W5, W6, W7, W9, W10, W12, W13, W14)
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'W';
        } else {
            //W1 and W2, W8, W11 which are Central
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'SW';
    } else {
        if (
            || preg_match("/^EC/",$postcode)
            || preg_match("/^WC/",$postcode)
        ) {
            // CENTRAL includes (W1, W2, EC, WC, NW1, SW1, SW3, SW5, SW7, W8, W11)
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'SW';
        } else {
            // OTHER includes South and East and everything else
            return 'SE';
By ichikawayukko, 2018-11-06 12:30:21
    if (model.env.Trim().ToUpper() == "Release")
        retVal = false;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Server_Core))
            // Perform a trim in case user specified just whitespace...
            string tmpStr = model.Server_Core.Trim();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpStr))
                retVal = true;
By Anonymous, 2019-02-25 17:12:31
from django.http import JsonResponse, HttpResponse
import requests

def download_custom_award(request):
        custom_img = requests.get(request.GET.get('award'))
        response = HttpResponse(custom_img.content, content_type='application/PNG')
        filename = "Your_Award.png"
        response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % (filename)
        return response
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({'Status': 404, "message": e.message})

This developer was trying to force the browser to download a custom image rather than show it inline, so he coded an open reverse proxy and attempted to release it to a production web app. Also, all exceptions are trapped and shown to the user in plaintext in their browser.

By Anonymous, 2020-05-26 10:38:31
    if TextHolder.Text == Codes.Code1 then
        if Check1.Value == false then
            Check1.Value = true
        elseif Check1.Value == false then
            TextHolder.Text = "Code Already Redeemed"
        TextHolder.Text = "Success! 500 Coins Rewarded"
    elseif TextHolder.Text == Codes.Code2 then
        if Check2.Value == false then
            Check2.Value = true
        elseif Check2.Value == false then
            TextHolder.Text = "Code Already Redeemed"
        TextHolder.Text = "Success! 250 Coins Rewarded"
    elseif TextHolder.Text == Codes.Code3 then
        if Check3.Value == false then
            Check3.Value = true
        elseif Check3.Value == false then
            TextHolder.Text = "Code Already Redeemed"
        TextHolder.Text = "Sucess! 100 Coins Rewarded"
            else TextHolder.Text = "Invalid/Expired Code"
By ShitFuck, 2021-08-07 00:55:53
double func_atof(char *p){
	double	 integer = 0.0, div = 1.0 , fract = 0.0 , sign = 1.0;
   if(   *p == 45  ){sign = -1.0, *p++ ; }
	while ( isdigit(*p)  ) { 
		integer = ( *p++ )  +  (10.0   *   integer)  -  48.0 ; 
	if(*p == 46  ){
	(*p++ ) ;
	while (  isdigit(*p) )  {
		fract = ( *p++ )  +  (10.0   *   fract)  -  48.0  ; 
		div *= 10;		
  return    (integer  +   fract  / div )  * sign    ;
By Lazy_8, 2020-01-13 16:53:53
	public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P> String get(A h, B u, C e, F l, G o, D v, E p, H a, I b, L c, K d, N f, J g, P i, M j, N m) {
        StringBuilder yes = new StringBuilder();
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(h.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(u.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(e.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(l.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(o.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(v.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(p.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(a.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(b.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(c.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(d.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(f.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(h.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(g.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(i.toString()));
        yes.append((String) String.valueOf(j.toString()));
        return (String) String.valueOf(yes.toString());


By fxcil, 2022-03-24 21:53:11
String.prototype.capitalize=function(){return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+this.slice(1);};
	if(b==b.toUpperCase()){return this.toUpperCase();}
	if(b==b.toLowerCase()){return this.toLowerCase();}
	if(b==b.capitalize()){return this.capitalize();}
	return this;
	return this.substring(0,index)+string+this.substring(index+n,this.length);
	var a=[];
	return a;
	for(var s=this,a=this.matchIndex(o),shift=0,i=0;i<a.length;i++){
		var c=n.followCase(this.substring(a[i].index,a[i].index+a[i].chars));
	return s;

My code from 2016 for the hall of shame where I realized today that caseReplace could just return this.replace(o,m=>n.followCase(m)) instead.

By Anonymous, 2017-12-19 03:55:58
Native XML structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <node name="root">
        <node name="TELEVISIONS">
            <node name="TUBE"/>
            <node name="LCD"/>
            <node name="PLASMA"/>
        <node name="PORTABLE ELECTRONICS">
            <node name="MP3 PLAYERS">
                <node name="FLASH"/>
            <node name="CD PLAYERS"/>
            <node name="2 WAY RADIOS"/>

Flattened XML structure (example 1):

  <node key="0">root</node>
  <node key="1" parent="0">TELEVISIONS</node>
  <node key="2" parent="1">TUBE</node>
  <node key="3" parent="1">LCD</node>
  <node key="4" parent="1">PLASMA</node>
  <node key="5" parent="0">PORTABLE ELECTRONICS</node>
  <node key="6" parent="5">MP3 PLAYERS</node>
  <node key="7" parent="6">FLASH</node>
  <node key="8" parent="5">CD PLAYERS</node>
  <node key="9" parent="5">2 WAY RADIOS</node>

Flattened XML structure (example 2):

        <name>PORTABLE ELECTRONICS</name>
        <name>MP3 PLAYERS</name>
        <name>CD PLAYERS</name>
        <name>2 WAY RADIOS</name>
By Anonymous, 2015-11-19 12:32:25
function focused(evt, errors) {
	let form =

	const output => {

		// Find first component with error on form and set focus to it

		let focusedInput = (Object.keys(error) == "phonebookId") ? Object.keys(error) :
			(Object.keys(error) == "phonebook_str") ? Object.keys(error) :
				(Object.keys(error) == "message") ? Object.keys(error) :
					(Object.keys(error) == "image") ? Object.keys(error) :
						(Object.keys(error) == "buttonLink") ? Object.keys(error) :
							(Object.keys(error) == "messageSms") ? Object.keys(error) : false
		return focusedInput.shift()

	const selector = output.shift()
	form.querySelector('[id="' + selector + '"]').focus()

	return selector


By Anonymous, 2021-05-28 01:16:05