if(typeof(sortOrder) != "boolean"){        
    return items;
filtered.sort(function (a, b) {
    if(sortOrder == true){
        return (CustomOrder(a.status) > CustomOrder(b.status) ? 1 : -1);
    else if(sortOrder == false){
        return (CustomOrder(a.status) < CustomOrder(b.status) ? 1 : -1);

The status property is a string ("Started", "Running", "Failed", "Finished", etc.), and CustomOrder is a function with a switch that just returns a predefined integer for each string. I switched CustomOrder to just be a simple lookup table object, and the sort call was changed to filtered.sort((a, b) => CustomOrder[a.status] - CustomOrder[b.status]);

By Anonymous, 2017-12-13 00:06:25
        if "[trait]" in lines[i]:
            in_trait = True
        elif "[/trait]" in lines[i]:
            in_trait = False
        elif "[object]" in lines[i]:
            in_object = True
        elif "[/object]" in lines[i]:
            in_object = False
        elif "[stage]" in lines[i]:
            in_stage = True
        elif "[/stage]" in lines[i]:
            in_stage = False
        elif "[cfg]" in lines[i]:
            in_cfg = True
        elif "[/cfg]" in lines[i]:
            in_cfg = False
        elif "[goal]" in lines[i]:
            in_goal = True
        elif "[/goal]" in lines[i]:
            in_goal = False
#... 150 more lines of this

Basically, linting a config file with a DOM tree, using Python

By Anonymous, 2019-12-28 23:35:11
    if (!recruiters
                    .contains(recruiter.getUserData().getUserName())) {
By somebody11, 2022-03-11 09:56:35
if (!response ||
    !response.data ||
    !response.data.success ||
    response.data.success == false ) {
        //process stuff

Not talking about the '===' warning, here

By Anonymous, 2020-12-02 12:31:00
 const configs = {
    employeeObject: {
      // tab 0
      firstName: "",
      middleName: "",
      nickname: "",
      lastName: "",
      gender: "",
      race: "",
      title: "",
      dob: "",
      employeeIDNo: "",
      // tab 1
      userName: "",
      permissionRole: 0,
      employeeNo: "",
      phoneExt: "",
      startDate: "",
      company: "",
      division: "",
      jobDescription: "",
      businessUnit: "",
      regionId: "",
      participantStatus: "",
      costCentre: "",
      personType: "",
      comments: "",
      // tab 2
      phone1: "",
      phone2: "",
      phone3: "",
      address1: "",
      address2: "",
      address3: "",
      address4: "",
      postalCode: "",
      email: "",

Why add another object with a title when you can just add a comment saying... well... nothing really...

By Mr Verster, 2022-04-08 14:19:12
func runAnsible(c *cli.Context) {
    runAnsibleCmd1(c.String("command"), c.StringSlice("var-file"), c.StringSlice("var"))
func runAnsibleCmd1(cmd string, varfiles []string, varstrs []string) {
    runAnsibleCmd2(cmd, util.ToVars(varfiles, varstrs))
func runAnsibleCmd2(cmd string, vars map[string]interface{}) {
    err := exec.SyscallExecute(cmd, vars)
    log.Error("Error running ansible command.", "err", err.Error())
By PANDUDH, 2019-04-16 18:03:41
    len = readBufferSize(reader);
catch (IOException xcp)
    throw xcp;

I swear I didn't omit a single symbol (except for tabs at the beginning)

By RusAD, 2019-07-18 09:24:10
public class CustomBoolean {

    private Container<java.lang.Boolean> booleanContainer;

    public CustomBoolean(Container<Boolean> booleanContainer) {
        CustomBoolean custom_boolean = getThis();
        custom_boolean.booleanContainer = booleanContainer;

    private <T extends Object> T getThis() {
        return (T) (Object) (T) this;

    public Container<Boolean> getBooleanContainer() {
        return booleanContainer;

    public static CustomBoolean create(Boolean value) {
        return new CustomBoolean(Container.builder().setValue(true).build());

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static class Container<T extends Object> {

        private T object = null;

        private Container(T object) {
            Container<T> _this = getThis();
            _this.object = (T) (Object) object;

        private <T extends Object> T getThis() {
            return (T) (Object) (T) this;

        public static Builder builder() {
            return new Builder();

        public T getObject() {
            return object;

        public static class Builder<T extends Object> {
            private T value;

            public Builder<T> setValue(T value) {
                Container<T> _this = getThis();
                _this.object = (T) (Object) value;
                return this;

            private <T extends Object> T getThis() {
                return (T) (Object) (T) this;

            public Container build() {
                return new Container(value);
} // Dort#0001


By Dort, 2022-03-24 21:41:54
val weekEnd = DateTime.now.withDayOfWeek(5).plusDays(2)
By Anonymous, 2017-12-22 13:55:37
$url = 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Ffinance%3Fq%3D' . $stock_identifier . '%26fstype%3Dii%26ei%3DCFrdWImFNdiGe_atlegC%22%20and%20compat%3D%22html5%22%20and%20xpath%3D' . "'%2F%2Ftable%5Bcontains(%40class%2C%22gf-table%20rgt%22)%5D'" . '&format=json&diagnostics=true&callback=';

$json = json_decode($this->getJsonFromYql($url), true);
$json = $json["query"]["results"]["table"];

//If the value is red, that means there is an additional span class which needs to be checked through. 

$response["revanueValue"] = empty($json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["0"]["td"]["1"]["content"]) ? $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["0"]["td"]["1"]["span"]["content"] : $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["0"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["costofRevanue"] = $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["3"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["operatingIncome"] = empty($json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["12"]["td"]["1"]["content"]) ? $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["12"]["td"]["1"]["span"]["content"] : $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["12"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["netIncome"] = empty($json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["24"]["td"]["1"]["content"]) ? $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["24"]["td"]["1"]["span"]["content"] : $json["0"]["tbody"]["tr"]["24"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["dividendsPerShare"] = $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["35"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["dilutedNormalizedEps"] = empty($json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["48"]["td"]["1"]["content"]) ? $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["48"]["td"]["1"]["span"]["content"] : $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["48"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["minorityInterest"] = $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["18"]["td"]["1"]["content"];

Website --> Json --> PHP Parsing Beautiful.

By Great PHP User, 2018-01-01 01:58:30
            FROM DUAL
                           WHERE task.task_type_id = lib.task_type_check()
                             AND task.task_status_id = lib.task_status_open()
                             AND task.unit_id = in_unit_id
                             AND task.station_id = v_station_id
  IF( x.cnt = 1 ) THEN
    v_task_exist := TRUE;
    v_task_exist := FALSE;
By Anonymous, 2019-08-01 15:25:36
#include <stdio.h>

void randy(int array[] ){
int i = 0  , d = 0;
		for(i = 1 ; i <= 23 ; i++){
			array[i] =  1 + (rand() % 365 ); 

int compare (const void * a, const void * b)
return ( *(int*)a - *(int*)b );

int find (int arr[]){
 int d = 0;
 	for(d = 1  ;d <=23 ; d++ ){
		 if(arr[d] == 	 arr[d + 1]){
		 	return 1;
	return 0;

int main(void){
	 double count_birthday = 0;
	int  people[24];
	int c = 0 ;
	long double ip = 0;
	while(ip++ <= 1000000 ){

		qsort (people, 25, sizeof(int), compare);
		if(find (people) == 1 ){


printf("%.2lf", 	count_birthday  / 10000  );
return 0;
By lazy_8, 2020-03-04 13:14:05
class ExampleClass {
    public void DoSomething()
       if (this != null) {
    public void DoSomething2()
       if (this != null) {

Explanation: This can't be null in C# virtual instance methods - I was so confused by the widespread use of this check that I asked this question at SO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31747718/can-this-be-null-in-c-sharp-virtual-methods-what-happens-with-the-rest-of-ins

By Michail Michailidis, 2017-12-13 14:54:58
    if TextHolder.Text == Codes.Code1 then
        if Check1.Value == false then
            Check1.Value = true
        elseif Check1.Value == false then
            TextHolder.Text = "Code Already Redeemed"
        TextHolder.Text = "Success! 500 Coins Rewarded"
    elseif TextHolder.Text == Codes.Code2 then
        if Check2.Value == false then
            Check2.Value = true
        elseif Check2.Value == false then
            TextHolder.Text = "Code Already Redeemed"
        TextHolder.Text = "Success! 250 Coins Rewarded"
    elseif TextHolder.Text == Codes.Code3 then
        if Check3.Value == false then
            Check3.Value = true
        elseif Check3.Value == false then
            TextHolder.Text = "Code Already Redeemed"
        TextHolder.Text = "Sucess! 100 Coins Rewarded"
            else TextHolder.Text = "Invalid/Expired Code"
By ShitFuck, 2021-08-07 00:55:53
public class NullableFloatToNullableDoubleConverter : ITypeConverter<float?, double?>
        public double? Convert(float? source, double? destination, ResolutionContext context)
            if (source == null)
                return null;

            var floatAsString = source.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            return double.Parse(floatAsString);
By Anonymous, 2019-01-31 12:05:33