<div class="scrollContent">
	{foreach $animations as $index => $a}
		{if $index > 2}
			{if $a.filename == '9_1447691013_3726.png'}
				{if $a.filename == '9_1423150010_6441.png'}
					{if $a.filename == '9_1423149959_5909.png'}
						{if $a.filename == '9_1423149908_5874.png'}
							{if $a.filename == '9_1528213223_6374.jpg'}
								{if $a.filename == '9_1527670984_3732.jpg'}

							<div class="spotlightFrame frame{$index+1} contains1" data-index="{$index}">
								{if $a.link}<a href="{$a.link}">{/if}
								<img src="/upload/{$a.filename}" alt="{$a.title}" />
								{if $a.link}</a>{/if}


Handovers are great.

By Anonymous, 2018-07-09 14:50:36
if HOST == 'AdaLovelace' or HOST == 'vbu' or HOST == 'asus':
    urlpatterns += patterns('',
        (r'^site_media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': MEDIA_ROOT}),
By Kadet, 2016-02-14 16:37:32
export const getUniqueIds = (ids: string[]) => {
  const uniqueIds = new Set<string>();
  return ids.filter((id) => {
    if (!uniqueIds.has(id)) {
      return true;
    return false;
By Anonymous, 2024-01-27 11:22:30
 # 5-level loop, forgive me...
        for xi, xs in enumerate(X):
            for yi, ys in enumerate(Y):
                for zi, zs in enumerate(Z):
                    lx, ly, lz = len(xs), len(ys), len(zs)
                    # construct points
                    xx, yy, zz = custom_meshgrid(xs, ys, zs)
                    world_xyzs = (
                            [xx.reshape(-1, 1), yy.reshape(-1, 1), zz.reshape(-1, 1)],
                    )  # [1, N, 3]

                    # cascading
                    for cas in range(self.cascade):
                        bound = min(2**cas, self.bound)
                        half_grid_size = bound / resolution
                        # scale to current cascade's resolution
                        cas_world_xyzs = world_xyzs * (bound - half_grid_size)

                        # split batch to avoid OOM
                        head = 0
                        while head < B:
                            tail = min(head + S, B)

                            # world2cam transform (poses is c2w, so we need to transpose it. Another transpose is needed for batched matmul, so the final form is without transpose.)
                            cam_xyzs = cas_world_xyzs - poses[
                                head:tail, :3, 3
                            cam_xyzs = cam_xyzs @ poses[head:tail, :3, :3]  # [S, N, 3]

                            # query if point is covered by any camera
                            mask_z = cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] > 0  # [S, N]
                            mask_x = (
                                torch.abs(cam_xyzs[:, :, 0])
                                < cx / fx * cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] + half_grid_size * 2
                            mask_y = (
                                torch.abs(cam_xyzs[:, :, 1])
                                < cy / fy * cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] + half_grid_size * 2
                            mask = (
                                (mask_z & mask_x & mask_y).sum(0).reshape(lx, ly, lz)
                            )  # [N] --> [lx, ly, lz]

                            # update count
                                xi * S : xi * S + lx,
                                yi * S : yi * S + ly,
                                zi * S : zi * S + lz,
                            ] += mask
                            head += S
By Anonymous, 2022-05-13 14:03:28
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option7'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option5'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option4'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option3'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option2'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option1'), 1);
By A "senior" developer, 2018-02-19 16:49:52
class FileReader extends EventTarget(...READER_EVENTS) {
    // [...]
    readAsArrayBuffer() {
        throw new Error('FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer is not implemented');

React Native's way of saying they don't support FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer()

By Aurovik, 2018-12-12 12:50:22
 # Better off alone 
 use_bmp 137
 live_loop :drumrolls do 
   sample : drum_splash_soft, rate: 0.775, finsh: 0.75, amp: 0.75 
   use_synth :pnosie
   with_fx :1x1_techno, phase: 8, phase_offset: 0.4,cutoff_min: 79, cutoff
    with_fx :fhpf, cutoff: 115, res: 0.8, reps: 18 do 
      play  :E1, release: 0.125
      sleep 0.25
 sleep 47.5
 with_fx :ixi_techno, phase: 29 res: 0.5 re
 use_rx_synth :mod_dsaw
 live_loop :wierd_synth do re mi
 Do sleep 0.3 then sample :sn_dolf, :amp 0.2 start 0.1 next finish: 1.5 do

By #2323The B, 2019-10-02 03:22:03
Select * from Order  --doesn't work
select * from [order] --works
--it's planning module in our system...

I think, it's really bad idea to use reserved words in names of tables. I'm surprised, that this db doesn't contain table named like [select]...

By solbrain, 2017-12-28 08:04:28
// What they did:
var serverCommands = {};
for(var each in commandList.general)
    (dmCommands[commandList.general[each].type] ? dmCommands[commandList.general[each].type] +=
    (config.prefix + each + (commandList.general[each].args ? ' ' + commandList.general[each].args : '') +
    ': ' + commandList.general[each].description + '\n') : (dmCommands[commandList.general[each].type] =
    '\u200B'+ config.prefix + each + (commandList.general[each].args ? ' ' + commandList.general[each].args : '') +
    ': ' + commandList.general[each].description + '\n'))

// What they should've done:
let srvrCmds = new Map();
let gldCmds = commandList[message.guild.id];
for (let each in gldCmds) {
    const cur = gldCmds[each];
    const text = `${config.prefix + each + (cur.args ? " " + cur.args : "")}: ${cur.description}\n`;
    const srvrCmdType = srvrCmds.get(cur.type);
    srvrCmds.set(cur.type, (srvrCmdType || "\u200B") + text);
By Anonymous, 2018-01-18 05:57:37
fn second_word(s: &String) -> &str {
    let bytes = s.as_bytes();
    let mut k = 0;
    let mut n =0;
    for (i, &item) in bytes.iter().enumerate() {
        if item == b' ' {
            k = k + 1;
            if k == 1 {
                n = i;
            else if k == 2 {
                return &s[1+n..i];



the code looks like shit

By big_shaq123, 2022-05-10 15:27:32
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            //code goes here
        } catch (Exception e) {
By s0m31, 2022-06-03 15:46:49
<table class="table table-sm o_main_table" style="width='100%'">
    <!-- ... thanks ...-->    

Found that on a customer's project, wonder if my employee knows about inline css

By Anonymous, 2022-06-10 11:39:58
{!! Form::select('ticket_category', \App\Models\Term::whereHas('taxonomy', function($query) {
    $query->where('slug', 'ticket_category'); 
  })->whereIn('id', ['15', '16', '17', '18'])
  ->pluck('name','id'), old('ticket_category'), [
    'id' => 'ticket_category', 
    'class' => 'form-control', 
    'placeholder' => 'Seleccione una categoría']

to do it in an array if you can put it in the database so that you still burn the position

By ingbenjamincordero@gmail.com, 2020-05-08 01:39:27

class CasinoCode
    CONST GET = 'GET';
    $data = $this->callAPI('/hidden', [], self::POST);

production code of an API with dozens of millions of requests per day.

By Anonymous, 2019-10-17 19:43:24
        if($_POST['csrf'] !== $_SESSION['csrf']){
            return 'session expired!';

In all Sama Samaneh university and class management system from iran :)

By Mahmoud etc, 2017-12-14 11:21:23