this.props.HeaderStore.setHeader(true, null, false, false, true, true,'dashboardNavigation');
By Fluttershy, 2018-01-19 08:53:26
// What they did:
var serverCommands = {};
for(var each in commandList.general)
    (dmCommands[commandList.general[each].type] ? dmCommands[commandList.general[each].type] +=
    (config.prefix + each + (commandList.general[each].args ? ' ' + commandList.general[each].args : '') +
    ': ' + commandList.general[each].description + '\n') : (dmCommands[commandList.general[each].type] =
    '\u200B'+ config.prefix + each + (commandList.general[each].args ? ' ' + commandList.general[each].args : '') +
    ': ' + commandList.general[each].description + '\n'))

// What they should've done:
let srvrCmds = new Map();
let gldCmds = commandList[];
for (let each in gldCmds) {
    const cur = gldCmds[each];
    const text = `${config.prefix + each + (cur.args ? " " + cur.args : "")}: ${cur.description}\n`;
    const srvrCmdType = srvrCmds.get(cur.type);
    srvrCmds.set(cur.type, (srvrCmdType || "\u200B") + text);
By Anonymous, 2018-01-18 05:57:37
$config = Config::getConfig('common');
$contract_carriers = $config[$market . "_" . $clearing . '_contract_carriers']; // f**ing php array
$interline_carriers = $config[$market . "_" . $clearing . '_interline_carriers']; // another f**ing array
// $marketing_carriers - is also array

$sets = [];
foreach ($marketing_carriers as $mc) {
  $sets[] = array_unique(array_intersect(
        isset(self::$interlines[$mc]) ? self::$interlines[$mc] : [],
By Anonymous, 2018-01-16 10:56:13
string random = "1";
By Anonymous, 2018-01-11 20:23:55
if ($customerId > 0) {
    $customerId = $customerId;
} else {
    $customerId = $this->customerSession->getId();
By Anonymous, 2018-01-10 16:42:14
    foreach ($desired_components as $name => $junk) {
      list($component_value, $component_comments) = self::unpackPair($desired_components[$name]);
      $desired_components[$name] = self::packPair(round($component_value, 2), $component_comments);
By Anonymous, 2018-01-10 09:01:18
// We have this enum.
enum Formula {
  case proposition(String)
  indirect case negation(Formula)
  indirect case operation(op: String, lhs: Formula, rhs: Formula)

  var nnf: Formula { /* ... */  }

// And now ...

switch formula.nnf {
 case .proposition(_):
   return formula.nnf
 case .negation(_):
   return formula.nnf
 case .operation(_, _, _):
   return formula.nnf
By Anonymous, 2018-01-08 11:04:54
this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this)
this.onClose = this.onClose.bind(this)

somewhere in react-native app

By fluttershy, 2018-01-08 08:01:40
case ClientMessage:    
    if (*XGetAtomName(GLWin.dpy, event.xclient.message_type)
        == *"WM_PROTOCOLS")
        {   printf("Exiting sanely...\n");
            done = True;

someone just want to watch the world burn

By Anonymous, 2018-01-07 13:01:05
class {
    public State state;
    //enums cant take double values...
    public struct State
        public const float IDLE = 0f;
        public const float WALKING = 0.5f;
        public const float RUNNING = 1f;
    protected void Stop()
    protected void SetSpeed(float f)
        agent.speed = f;
        if (agent.speed > 1f && agent.speed < 5f)
            f = State.WALKING;
        else if (agent.speed > 5f)
            f = State.RUNNING;
            f = State.IDLE;

Who needs static float when you can have a constant in a nested struct, as a bonus State state has 0 references in the project

By SwagridOfficial, 2018-01-05 13:39:24
By Anonymous, 2018-01-05 10:23:21
{k: v for d in [{ key: { 0: x[0], } for key in x["name"] } for x in items] for k, v in d.items()}
By nooooooo, 2018-01-02 14:54:31
$url = '*' . $stock_identifier . '%26fstype%3Dii%26ei%3DCFrdWImFNdiGe_atlegC%22%20and%20compat%3D%22html5%22%20and%20xpath%3D' . "'%2F%2Ftable%5Bcontains(%40class%2C%22gf-table%20rgt%22)%5D'" . '&format=json&diagnostics=true&callback=';

$json = json_decode($this->getJsonFromYql($url), true);
$json = $json["query"]["results"]["table"];

//If the value is red, that means there is an additional span class which needs to be checked through. 

$response["revanueValue"] = empty($json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["0"]["td"]["1"]["content"]) ? $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["0"]["td"]["1"]["span"]["content"] : $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["0"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["costofRevanue"] = $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["3"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["operatingIncome"] = empty($json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["12"]["td"]["1"]["content"]) ? $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["12"]["td"]["1"]["span"]["content"] : $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["12"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["netIncome"] = empty($json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["24"]["td"]["1"]["content"]) ? $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["24"]["td"]["1"]["span"]["content"] : $json["0"]["tbody"]["tr"]["24"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["dividendsPerShare"] = $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["35"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["dilutedNormalizedEps"] = empty($json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["48"]["td"]["1"]["content"]) ? $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["48"]["td"]["1"]["span"]["content"] : $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["48"]["td"]["1"]["content"];
$response["minorityInterest"] = $json["1"]["tbody"]["tr"]["18"]["td"]["1"]["content"];

Website --> Json --> PHP Parsing Beautiful.

By Great PHP User, 2018-01-01 01:58:30
Select * from Order  --doesn't work
select * from [order] --works
--it's planning module in our system...

I think, it's really bad idea to use reserved words in names of tables. I'm surprised, that this db doesn't contain table named like [select]...

By solbrain, 2017-12-28 08:04:28
int i=0;

                        for (i=0; i<msg.length;i++){

                            switch (i){

                                  case 0:

                                  case 1:

                                  case 2:

                                  case 3:

                                  case 4:

                                  case 5:

                                  case 6:

                                  case 7:

                                  case 8:

                                  case 9:

                                  case 10:

                                  case 11:

                                  case 18:

                                  case 19:

                                  case 26:

                                  case 27:

                                  case 34:

                                  case 35:

                                  case 42:

                                  case 43:

                                  case 50:

                                  case 51:

                                  case 52:

                                  case 53:

                                  case 54:

                                  case 55:

                                  case 58:

                                  case 59:

                                  case 62:

                                  case 63: log.debug("******** TRAZA-BEA: autenticacion ntlm. mensaje[" + i + "]: " + msg[i] + " SINSIGNO: " + (int)(msg[i] & 0x00ff) + "   " + new String(msg,i,1, "UTF-16LE")); break;

                                  case 12:

                                  case 14:

                                  case 16:

                                  case 20:

                                  case 22:

                                  case 24:

                                  case 28:

                                  case 30:

                                  case 32:

                                  case 36:

                                  case 38:

                                  case 40:

                                  case 44:

                                  case 46:

                                  case 48:

                                  case 56:

                                  case 60:log.debug("******** TRAZA-BEA: autenticacion ntlm. mensaje[" + i + "]: " + msg[i] + " SINSIGNO: " + (int)(msg[i] & 0x00ff) + "   " + new String(msg,i,2, "UTF-16LE")); break;

                                  case 13:

                                  case 15:

                                  case 17:

                                  case 21:

                                  case 23:

                                  case 25:

                                  case 29:

                                  case 31:

                                  case 33:

                                  case 37:

                                  case 39:

                                  case 41:

                                  case 45:

                                  case 47:

                                  case 49:

                                  case 57:

Why not case 60? LOL

By Pabs, 2017-12-26 14:03:33