const setFormFlag(state){
    state.formFlag ? state.formFlag = false : state.formFlag = true;
By Apeiron, 2018-07-27 20:43:23
<div class="scrollContent">
	{foreach $animations as $index => $a}
		{if $index > 2}
			{if $a.filename == '9_1447691013_3726.png'}
				{if $a.filename == '9_1423150010_6441.png'}
					{if $a.filename == '9_1423149959_5909.png'}
						{if $a.filename == '9_1423149908_5874.png'}
							{if $a.filename == '9_1528213223_6374.jpg'}
								{if $a.filename == '9_1527670984_3732.jpg'}

							<div class="spotlightFrame frame{$index+1} contains1" data-index="{$index}">
								{if $}<a href="{$}">{/if}
								<img src="/upload/{$a.filename}" alt="{$a.title}" />
								{if $}</a>{/if}


Handovers are great.

By Anonymous, 2018-07-09 14:50:36
const newReply = (reply !== null) ? reply : null;
By foxy, 2018-06-04 21:19:27
function clean(toClean, source){
	if (typeof(toClean) !== 'string') return true;
	if (typeof(source) !== 'string') return true;
	return source.replace(toClean, String('CLEANED')).toString();

Found this in a project at work and someone clearly doesn't trust JavaScripts typeof function

By Anonymous, 2018-06-02 22:09:57
function uploadimg(file) {
    var ext = file.value.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
    var size = document.getElementById("uploadpic").files.item(0).size;

    if (size > 3145728) {
            title: "Error",
            msg: " image to large",
            icon: "error"
        return true;

    return false;

var reader = new FileReader();
$("#uploadpic").change(function() {
    var pdfcheck = this;
    var ext = pdfcheck.value.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
    if (!($.inArray(ext, ['pdf']) == -1)) {
        console.log('upload pdf start');
        if (uploadPdf(pdfcheck)) {
            $("#preview_img").attr("src", "");
            $("#preview_img2").attr("src", "");
            $("#uploadpic").prop("file", "");
    } else {
        if (uploadimg(pdfcheck)) {//dude, I think the image you upload to check is your dick, only small enough you would rather keep going producing shitcode.
            return false;
        var upload_file = $("#uploadpic")[0].files[0];
        if (upload_file != null) {
            var chimgarr = ["image/png", "image/PNG", "image/jpg", "image/JPG", "image/jpeg", "image/JPEG", "image/gif", "image/GIF", "image/bmp", "image/BMP"];
            if (chimgarr.indexOf(upload_file.type) != "-1") {
                reader.onload = function(e) {
            } else {
                $.messager.alert("Image format does not match");
                $("#preview_img").attr("src", "");
                $("#preview_img2").attr("src", "");
                $("#uploadpic").prop("file", "");
        } else {
            $("#preview_img").attr("src", "");
            $("#preview_img2").attr("src", "");

The moment an important image ready to be uploaded It's really important that should be checked again and again.

By shitcode master's friend, 2018-04-20 11:03:15
function edit_vehality: locality,
      google_place_id: '1'
    let opts = { 'method': 'put', 'route': '/border/' + border_id, 'status': status, 'account_access_token': saved_values.superadmin.account_access_token, 'params': params };
      .then(function(res) {
By a poor soul, 2018-04-11 17:07:13
request.get_something = (something_id) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    database.find_all('something', { where: {something_id: something_id, is_deleted:0} }).then(function(res){
      let result = {};
      res = JSON.stringify(res);
      res = JSON.parse(res);
        if(typeof element.is_deleted != "undefined"){
          delete element.is_deleted;
        let key = 'something_' +;
        result[key] = element;
    }, reject);


By ADyingDeveloper, 2018-04-05 17:24:33
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        this.locations = locations;
By Anonymous, 2018-04-04 14:44:45
return isDisabled == false ? false : true;
By Anonymous, 2018-03-23 22:02:31
function sortUsers(a, b) {
  return a.last_name.localeCompare(b.last_name) * -1;
By Anonymous, 2018-03-06 22:44:30
if (cookiesBannerHeight !== 0 && isMobile) {
      style = {
        top: cookiesBannerHeight === 0 ? 0 : cookiesBannerHeight
By Kubus, 2018-02-28 11:00:11
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option7'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option5'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option4'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option3'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option2'), 1);
$options.splice($options.indexOf('option1'), 1);
By A "senior" developer, 2018-02-19 16:49:52
var filter = options.dataSource.filter();

if(e.filter) {
   filter = filter && filter.filters.length ? filter.filters.concat(e.filter.filter) : e.filter.filters;
else {
   filter = filter && filter.filters.length ? filter.filters.linqRemove({ field: e.field }) : [];
By Anonymous, 2018-02-09 19:03:07
function isAllowSearchLength(text) {
    return text.length > isNaN(parseInt(text, 10)) ? 1 : 0;
By Anonymous, 2018-01-24 12:02:46
this.props.HeaderStore.setHeader(true, null, false, false, true, true,'dashboardNavigation');
By Fluttershy, 2018-01-19 08:53:26