double func_atof(char *p){
	double	 integer = 0.0, div = 1.0 , fract = 0.0 , sign = 1.0;
   if(   *p == 45  ){sign = -1.0, *p++ ; }
	while ( isdigit(*p)  ) { 
		integer = ( *p++ )  +  (10.0   *   integer)  -  48.0 ; 
	if(*p == 46  ){
	(*p++ ) ;
	while (  isdigit(*p) )  {
		fract = ( *p++ )  +  (10.0   *   fract)  -  48.0  ; 
		div *= 10;		
  return    (integer  +   fract  / div )  * sign    ;
By Lazy_8, 2020-01-13 16:53:53
private static final double RESULT_OF_DIVISION_BY_0 = 9.99;

public static double getPercentageDifference(long currentResult, long previousResult) {
    if (previousResult == 0 && currentResult == 0) {
        return 0;
    } else if (previousResult == 0) {
        return RESULT_OF_DIVISION_BY_0;
    } else {
        return (currentResult - previousResult) * 1.0 / previousResult;
By Anonymous, 2017-12-20 10:56:50
Public Shared Function CompeleteDateStr(DateStr As String) As String
    'MBS 96-09-25: High Caliber DataEntry
    Dim DateVal = CType(DateStr, Integer)
    If DateVal < 1 Then Return ""
    If DateVal < maxDay Then 'DayOnly
        Return MakeJalaliDate(curYear, curMonth, DateVal, _4DigitYear)
    ElseIf DateVal > maxDay Then
        Dim YearPiece? As Short = Nothing, MonthPiece? As Byte = Nothing, DayPiece As Byte
        Select Case DateVal
            Case Is < 100
                MonthPiece = (DateVal \ 10) Mod 10
                DayPiece = DateVal Mod 10
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, curYear) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(curYear, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
            Case Is < 1000
                MonthPiece = DateVal \ 10
                DayPiece = DateVal Mod 10
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, curYear) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(curYear, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                MonthPiece = (DateVal \ 100) Mod 10
                DayPiece = DateVal Mod 100
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, curYear) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(curYear, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                DayPiece = DateVal \ 10
                MonthPiece = DateVal Mod 10
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, curYear) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(curYear, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                DayPiece = (DateVal \ 100) Mod 10
                MonthPiece = DateVal Mod 100
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, curYear) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(curYear, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
            Case Is < 10000
                MonthPiece = DateVal \ 100
                DayPiece = DateVal Mod 100
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, curYear) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(curYear, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                MonthPiece = DateVal Mod 100
                DayPiece = DateVal \ 100
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, curYear) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(curYear, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                DayPiece = DateVal \ 100
                MonthPiece = DateVal Mod 100
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, curYear) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(curYear, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                DayPiece = DateVal Mod 100
                MonthPiece = DateVal \ 100
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, curYear) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(curYear, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                MonthPiece = (DateVal \ 10) Mod 10
                YearPiece = DateVal \ 100
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) Then
                    DayPiece = DateVal Mod 10
                    If IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                    MonthPiece = (DateVal \ 100) Mod 10
                    YearPiece = DateVal Mod 100
                    DayPiece = DateVal \ 1000
                    If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                End If
            Case Is < 100000
                Dim DaySize As Byte = 2
                MonthPiece = (DateVal Mod 1000) \ 10
                If Not IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) Then
                    MonthPiece = (DateVal \ 100) Mod 10
                    DaySize = 1
                    If Not IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) Then Return ""
                End If
                YearPiece = DateVal \ 1000
                DayPiece = DateVal Mod 10 ^ DaySize
                If IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece, MonthPiece, DayPiece)
                YearPiece = DateVal Mod 100
                DayPiece = DateVal \ (10000 \ (10 ^ DaySize))
                If IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece, MonthPiece, DayPiece)
            Case Is < 1000000
                MonthPiece = (DateVal Mod 10000) \ 100
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) Then
                    YearPiece = DateVal \ 10000
                    DayPiece = DateVal Mod 100
                    If IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                    YearPiece = DateVal Mod 100
                    DayPiece = DateVal \ 10000
                    If IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                End If
                YearPiece = DateVal \ 100
                If YearPiece > 1300 AndAlso YearPiece < 1500 Then
                    MonthPiece = (DateVal \ 10) Mod 10
                    DayPiece = DateVal Mod 10
                    If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                End If
                YearPiece = DateVal Mod 10000
                If YearPiece > 1300 AndAlso YearPiece < 1400 Then
                    DayPiece = DateVal \ 100000
                    MonthPiece = (DateVal \ 10000) Mod 10
                    If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) AndAlso IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece + If(_4DigitYear, 0, -1300), MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                End If
            Case Is < 10000000
                Dim DaySize As Byte = 2
                MonthPiece = (DateVal Mod 1000) \ 10
                If Not IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) Then
                    MonthPiece = (DateVal \ 100) Mod 10
                    DaySize = 2
                    If Not IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) Then Return ""
                End If
                YearPiece = DateVal \ 1000
                DayPiece = DateVal Mod 10 ^ DaySize
                If IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece, MonthPiece, DayPiece)
                YearPiece = DateVal Mod 10000
                DayPiece = DateVal \ (100000 * (10 ^ DaySize))
                If IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece, MonthPiece, DayPiece)
            Case Is < 100000000
                MonthPiece = (DateVal Mod 10000) \ 100 '13961229
                If IsValidMonth(MonthPiece) Then
                    YearPiece = DateVal \ 10000
                    DayPiece = DateVal Mod 100
                    If IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                    YearPiece = DateVal Mod 10000
                    DayPiece = DateVal \ 1000000
                    If IsValidDay(DayPiece, MonthPiece, YearPiece) Then Return MakeJalaliDate(YearPiece, MonthPiece, DayPiece, _4DigitYear)
                End If
        End Select
        Return ""
    End If
End Function

this code is so wrong in so many different levels

By NoobProger, 2017-12-20 12:37:08
// check if user is valid or not
ValidUserValidationResult userValidationResult = validUserValidator.validateUser(validationRequest);
By Anonymous, 2020-12-09 17:45:18
for (int i = 0;i < n / 2;i++)
        while (num[a[p].id].n == 0 || num[num[a[p].id].nxt].n == 0)
        printf("%d %d ", num[a[p].id].n, num[num[a[p].id].nxt].n);
        num[a[p].id].n = 0;
        num[num[a[p].id].nxt].n = 0;
        num[num[a[p].id].lst].nxt = num[num[a[p].id].nxt].nxt;
        num[num[num[a[p].id].nxt].nxt].lst = num[a[p].id].lst;
By Anonymous, 2022-08-06 14:50:56
const handleBoolean = value => {
        switch (value) {
            case "true":
                return true;
            case true:
                return "true";
            case "false":
                return false;
            case false:
                return "false"
                return null;
By Ifncn, 2022-01-27 07:49:16
if(!defined('WPINC')) // MUST have WordPress.
	exit ('Do not access this file directly.');
	 * Menu page blah
	 * @package blah
	 * @since 140617
	class pluginName_options_page_class
		public function __construct()
			echo '<div class="wrap menu-page">'."\n";

			echo '<div class="wp-header-end"></div>'."\n";

			echo '<div class="menu-page-toolbox">'."\n";
			echo '</div>'."\n";

			echo '<h2>Options</h2>'."\n";

			echo '<table class="menu-page-table">'."\n";
			echo '<tbody class="menu-page-table-tbody">'."\n";
			echo '<tr class="menu-page-table-tr">'."\n";
			echo '<td class="menu-page-table-l">'."\n";

			echo '<form method="post" name="plugin_options_form" id="plugin--options-form" autocomplete="off">'."\n";
			echo '<input type="hidden" name="plugin_options_save" id="plugin--options-save" value="'.esc_attr(wp_create_nonce('plugin--options-save')).'" />'."\n";

			echo '<div class="menu-page-group" title="Account Details">'."\n";
			/* includes things like this gem */
			echo (!is_multisite() || !pluginName_utils_conds::is_multisite_farm() || is_main_site()) ? '<p>[ Really Long message about something ]</p>'."\n" : '';

			/* ... continues until end ... */

			echo '</div>'."\n";

new pluginName_options_page_class ();

The entire file is a single class with a constructor. The constructor is ~ 1150 lines of echo statements with a few PHP conditionals thrown in. There are no other methods. The class is instantiated as soon as it is defined. Clever...

By Anonymous, 2020-11-10 06:08:16
Native XML structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <node name="root">
        <node name="TELEVISIONS">
            <node name="TUBE"/>
            <node name="LCD"/>
            <node name="PLASMA"/>
        <node name="PORTABLE ELECTRONICS">
            <node name="MP3 PLAYERS">
                <node name="FLASH"/>
            <node name="CD PLAYERS"/>
            <node name="2 WAY RADIOS"/>

Flattened XML structure (example 1):

  <node key="0">root</node>
  <node key="1" parent="0">TELEVISIONS</node>
  <node key="2" parent="1">TUBE</node>
  <node key="3" parent="1">LCD</node>
  <node key="4" parent="1">PLASMA</node>
  <node key="5" parent="0">PORTABLE ELECTRONICS</node>
  <node key="6" parent="5">MP3 PLAYERS</node>
  <node key="7" parent="6">FLASH</node>
  <node key="8" parent="5">CD PLAYERS</node>
  <node key="9" parent="5">2 WAY RADIOS</node>

Flattened XML structure (example 2):

        <name>PORTABLE ELECTRONICS</name>
        <name>MP3 PLAYERS</name>
        <name>CD PLAYERS</name>
        <name>2 WAY RADIOS</name>
By Anonymous, 2015-11-19 12:32:25
function focused(evt, errors) {
	let form =

	const output => {

		// Find first component with error on form and set focus to it

		let focusedInput = (Object.keys(error) == "phonebookId") ? Object.keys(error) :
			(Object.keys(error) == "phonebook_str") ? Object.keys(error) :
				(Object.keys(error) == "message") ? Object.keys(error) :
					(Object.keys(error) == "image") ? Object.keys(error) :
						(Object.keys(error) == "buttonLink") ? Object.keys(error) :
							(Object.keys(error) == "messageSms") ? Object.keys(error) : false
		return focusedInput.shift()

	const selector = output.shift()
	form.querySelector('[id="' + selector + '"]').focus()

	return selector


By Anonymous, 2021-05-28 01:16:05
spring.datasource.password=#{@secretsManager.getJsonField('${DSP_DB_SECRET:}', 'password', @secretsManager.getString('${DSP_DB_PASSWORD_SECRET:}', '${DSP_DB_PASSWORD:}'))}

String boot, 3 env variables written as string containing code executable code which cannot be verified by compiler. Welcome to Java

By 7bits, 2022-02-01 19:17:55
String s = "string";


// just to make sure it's a damn string
while(!s instanceof String) {
By Anonymous, 2021-01-23 17:11:10
public static function getUser(){
    return \App\Models\User::all();
By mamadSiah, 2022-02-23 14:35:19
#265 PHP +17
if((strtotime(date("Y-m-d"))-strtotime(date("Y-m-d", filemtime($filename))))/(3600)<=$config->hourDiff) return true; else return false;

please notice the brackets around 3600

By Anonymous, 2018-03-13 21:56:00
    if (preg_match("/^N/",$postcode)) {
        if (preg_match("/^NW/", $postcode)) {
            if (!preg_match("/^NW1/", $postcode)) {
                // NORTH WEST (NW2, NW3, NW4, NW5, NW6, NW7, NW8, NW9, NW10)
                $property['Prop_area'] = 'NW';
            } else {
                // NW1 which is Central
                $property['Prop_area'] = 'SW';
        } else {
            // NORTH  (N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 etc)
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'N';
    } else if (preg_match("/^W/",$postcode)) {
        if (
            !preg_match("/^W1 /",$postcode)
            && !preg_match("/^W2 /",$postcode)
            && !preg_match("/^W8/",$postcode)
            && !preg_match("/^W11/",$postcode)
        ) {
            // WEST includes (W3, W4, W5, W6, W7, W9, W10, W12, W13, W14)
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'W';
        } else {
            //W1 and W2, W8, W11 which are Central
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'SW';
    } else {
        if (
            || preg_match("/^EC/",$postcode)
            || preg_match("/^WC/",$postcode)
        ) {
            // CENTRAL includes (W1, W2, EC, WC, NW1, SW1, SW3, SW5, SW7, W8, W11)
            $property['Prop_area'] = 'SW';
        } else {
            // OTHER includes South and East and everything else
            return 'SE';
By ichikawayukko, 2018-11-06 12:30:21
cd /some/directory
rm -rf *

I regularly see these two lines in Bash scripts I don't understand but some programmers think you need a CD command before any command, and they also don't know that paths can be part of parameters (which explains why they use many CD commands)

By Meeeeee, 2023-01-25 16:50:10