o.isInsured = function ()
{ return !!this.insured; }

Why don't be like normal people and use bool() cast?

By Anonymous, 2018-09-22 14:31:37
// powtierdzenie decyzji
function zapytaj(pytanie){
	if(confirm(pytanie)) return true
	else return false;
By first year student, 2018-10-02 21:30:46
const errorHandler = () => {
  throw new Error();
By Anonymous, 2018-10-08 19:35:38
	const ws = new WebSocket('wss://echo.websocket.org', {
		agent: new HttpsProxyAgent(`https://${proxy}`)
	ws.onopen = () => {
		if (ws.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
	ws.onerror = () => {

u just cant trust, just cant......

By Neon, 2018-10-23 18:14:26
if (code === null) {
    return null;
} else {
    return code;
By crossthedev, 2018-11-19 15:33:47
if(userEndDate.getTime() != null
    && userEndDate.getTime() > today.getTime()
    && endDateFromRequest != null ? endDateFromRequest.getTime() !== userEndDate.getTime() : true){
            //some code

for code lovers :D

By Unnamed, 2018-11-30 16:12:08
class FileReader extends EventTarget(...READER_EVENTS) {
    // [...]
    readAsArrayBuffer() {
        throw new Error('FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer is not implemented');

React Native's way of saying they don't support FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer()

By Aurovik, 2018-12-12 12:50:22
function urlREPLACER(dtTEXTVALUE){
    dtTEXTVALUE.indexOf('http://') != -1 && (dtTEXTVALUE = dtTEXTVALUE.replace('http://','')) && dtTEXTVALUE.indexOf('.aspx') == -1 && (dtTEXTVALUE += '.aspx');
    return dtTEXTVALUE;
By I'm glad, 2019-02-16 13:10:54
// If statement? what's that?? 
// Naming conventions? Of course not! 
// true/false keywords? I never heard it.
boolVALUE != !1 && dtTEXTVALUE.indexOf('http://') != -1 && (dtTEXTVALUE = dtTEXTVALUE.replace('http://','')) && dtTEXTVALUE.indexOf('.aspx') == -1 && (dtTEXTVALUE += '.aspx');

return dtTEXTVALUE;


Here's the weirdest way to create if statement with terrible naming conventions. Its based on real events and production code.

By I've no idea, 2019-02-16 13:16:07
<Image source={ this.props.pickupOrDropoff == "pickup"
                                    ? i.pickup
                                    ? iconBlue
                                    : iconWhite
                                    : i.dropoff 
                                    ? iconBlue
                                    : iconWhite} style={{
                                      height:this.props.pickupOrDropoff == "pickup"
                                    ? i.pickup
                                    ? 30
                                    : i.sign === 'D' ? 30 : 35
                                    : i.dropoff 
                                    ? 30
                                    : i.sign === 'D' ? 30 : 35,
                                    marginRight:10 ,
                                    width: this.props.pickupOrDropoff == "pickup"
                                    ? i.pickup
                                    ? 40
                                    : 40
                                    : i.dropoff 
                                    ? 40
                                    : 40

I love when the code is neat...

By Fluttershy, 2019-03-05 11:40:08
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const bot = new Discord.Client();
const TOKEN = "NOPE"
var color = require('chalk');
var fs = require('fs');

bot.on("ready", function(message) {
bot.on("message", function(message){
    console.log("Channel:" + color.blue(message.channel) + " " + "Author:" + color.blue(message.author) + " " + "Message:" + color.blue(message.content))
    if (message.content.includes("uranium") || message.content == "Uranium" || message.content == "uranium" || message.content.includes("uranium")) {
        console.log(color.black.yellow("Message Flagged As Suspicous"))
        console.log(color.black.yellow("Contains: Uranium"))
        console.log(color.black.bgYellow("Message:" + message.content))
        console.log(color.black.bgYellow("Message Id:" + message.id))
        console.log(color.black.bgYellow("Author Id:" + message.author.id))
        console.log(color.black.bgYellow("Channel Id:" + message.channel.id))
        console.log(color.yellow("Severity:" + "1"))
        var alertsev1 =  `Message + Id: + ${message.id} + | + Author + Id: + ${message.author.id} + | + Message + Channel Id: ${message.channel.id} + | + Message: + ${message.content}` 
        fs.writeFile('alerts.txt', `${alertsev2}`)
    if (message.content.includes("raid") || message.content.includes("Raid")) {
        console.log(color.black.red("Message Flagged As Suspicous"))
        console.log(color.black.red("Contains: Raid"))
        console.log(color.black.bgRed("Message:" + message.content))
        console.log(color.black.bgRed("Message Id:" + message.id))
        console.log(color.black.bgRed("Author Id:" + message.author.id))
        console.log(color.black.bgRed("Channel Id:" + message.channel.id))
        console.log(color.black.red("Severity:" + "2"))
        var alertsev2 =  `Message + Id: + ${message.id} + | + Author + Id: + ${message.author.id} + | + Message + Channel Id: ${message.channel.id} + | + Message: + ${message.content}` 
        fs.writeFile('alerts.txt', `${alertsev2}`)
    if (message.content.includes("raid") && message.content.includes("uranium") || message.content.includes("raid") && message.content.includes("Uranium") || message.content.includes("raid") && message.content.includes("uranium") || message.content.includes("Raid") && message.content.includes("uranium") || message.content.includes("Raid")) {
        console.log(color.black.red("Message Flagged As Possible Raid Initiation"))
        console.log(color.black.red("Contains: Raid, Uranium"))
        console.log(color.black.bgRed("Message:" + message.content))
        console.log(color.black.bgRed("Message Id:" + message.id))
        console.log(color.black.bgRed("Author Id:" + message.author.id))
        console.log(color.black.bgRed("Channel Id:" + message.channel.id))
        console.log(color.black.red("Severity:" + "3"))
        var alertsev3 =  `Message + Id: + ${message.id} + | + Author + Id: + ${message.author.id} + | + Message + Channel Id: ${message.channel.id} + | + Message: + ${message.content}` 
        fs.writeFile('alerts.txt', `${alertsev3}`)

I'm making a discord message logger but I want to output message.content message.author message.id message.channel.id into one text file everytime a message is sent in the following format: Message ID:(Id here) Message Author: (Author ID here) Channel ID: (Channel ID here) Message: (message here) ive tried with the following code but it printed undefined out into the text document

By JackThePug, 2019-03-16 22:31:03
Handlebars.registerHelper("compare", function(a, operator, b) {
    var result = false;

    try {
      switch (operator) {
        case "==":
          // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
          result = a == b;
        case "===":
          result = a === b;
        case "!=":
          // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
          result = a != b;
        case "!==":
          result = a !== b;
        case "<":
          result = a < b;
        case ">":
          result = a > b;
        case "<=":
          result = a <= b;
        case ">=":
          result = a >= b;
        case "typeof":
          // eslint-disable-next-line valid-typeof
          result = typeof a === b;
        default: {
          throw new Error(
            "helper {{compare}}: invalid operator: ' + ".concat(operator, " + '")
    } catch (err) {
      console.error("\n********** ".concat(err, "."));
    return result;
By Anonymous, 2019-04-02 15:46:35
$('#userCheck').not(this).prop('checked', false);
By Anonymous, 2019-04-17 10:54:22
function formatUpToANumberOfZeroesAfterFloatingPoint(number, numberOfZeroes, floatingPointSymbol) {
    numberOfZeroes = (numberOfZeroes === undefined || numberOfZeroes < 0) ? 2 : numberOfZeroes;
    floatingPointSymbol = floatingPointSymbol === undefined ? '.' : floatingPointSymbol;
    let numberSplitByFloatingPoint = number.toString().split(floatingPointSymbol);
    if (numberSplitByFloatingPoint.length !== 2) 
        return `${number}${floatingPointSymbol}${'0'.repeat(+numberOfZeroes)}`;
    let numberAfterFloatingPoint = numberSplitByFloatingPoint[1].toString();
    let formattedNumber = `${numberSplitByFloatingPoint[0]}`;
    let numberAfterFloatingPointLength = numberAfterFloatingPoint.toString().length;
    if (+numberOfZeroes > +numberAfterFloatingPointLength) 
        return `${formattedNumber}${floatingPointSymbol}${numberAfterFloatingPoint}${'0'.repeat(+numberOfZeroes - numberAfterFloatingPointLength)}`;
    let countOfNumbersAfterFloatingPoint = numberAfterFloatingPointLength;
    for (var i = numberAfterFloatingPointLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (+(numberAfterFloatingPoint[i]) !== 0 || +countOfNumbersAfterFloatingPoint === +numberOfZeroes) {
            formattedNumber += `${floatingPointSymbol}${numberAfterFloatingPoint.substring(0, countOfNumbersAfterFloatingPoint)}`;

    return formattedNumber;

Well, a junior dev here. A cute female QA came to me with a request - "the field for the price already has precision up to 4 decimal places, but we don't like the 4 ugly zeroes, so if the number ends in zeroes, let it have only 2" - she said in the most innocent-like tone ever known to mankind. How easy I mumbled and accepted the task. As she was leaving she added - "oo almost forgot, we also would like it if all the data fields for the price that are shown in the tables also are formatted that way". As I was watching her better side, while she was getting reunited with her QA tribe, I got shivers down the spine. I had a bad feeling about that one, but I wasn't sure why yet. Suddenly as I was getting up to get a cup of coffe, it dawned on me - "this poor excuse for a project is using jqGrid for displaying the data". To wrap things up - I got a quadruple espresso with a shot of Jacky, developers best friend in a time of need, and came up with this piece of art. Enjoy :)

By Kristopher Alexander, 2019-04-25 15:49:53
function renderGroupSelectedSuccessors() {
    var index = 0;
    if (tempSuccessorsGroupsList != null && tempSuccessorsGroupsList.length > 0) {
        var groups = tempSuccessorsGroupsList.splice(0, PageSettings.lazyRenderItemsPerPage);
        var groupSuccessors = '';
        for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
            if (index % 10 == 0) {
                groupSuccessors += '<div style="float: left;"><ul>';
            groupSuccessors += '<li><a data-groupid="'+groups[i].GroupID+'">' + groups[i].GroupName + '</a></li>';            
            if (index % 10 == 0 || i == groups.length - 1) {
                groupSuccessors += '</ul></div>';
        setTimeout(renderGroupSelectedSuccessors, 50);

Where does the data come from? Where does it go? Why isn't this an endless recursive loop? Why has this worked for three years?

By Anonymous, 2019-05-10 13:20:47