def possibilities():
for n in range(9,-1,-1):
for o in range(9,-1,-1):
for r in range(9,-1,-1):
for t in range(9,-1,-1):
for h in range(9,-1,-1):
for e in range(9,-1,-1):
for a in range(9,-1,-1):
for s in range(9,-1,-1):
for u in range(9,-1,-1):
for w in range(9,-1,-1):
for m in range(9,-1,-1):
for y in range(9,-1,-1):
if len(set([n,o,r,t,h,e,a,s,u,w,m,y]))==12:
north=10000*n + 1000*o +100*r +10*t +h
east=1000*e +100*a +10*s +t
south=10000*s + 1000*o +100*u +10*t +h
west=1000*w + 100*e +10*s +t
earth= 10000*e + 1000*a + 100*r +10*t +h
if north +east +south +west == earth:
return combinations
Console.WriteLine("|"+ Espace(x-1) + (h==3?" o":""));
Console.WriteLine("|"+ Espace(x-1) + (h==2?" o":(h==3?"/|\\":"")));
Console.WriteLine("|"+ Espace(x-1) + (h==1?" o":(h==2?"/|\\":(h==3?" |":""))));
Console.WriteLine("|"+ Espace(x-1) + (h==0?" o":(h==1?"/|\\":(h==2?" |":(h==3?"/ \\":"")))));
Console.WriteLine("|"+ Espace(x-1) + (h==0?"/|\\":(h==1?" |":(h==2?"/ \\":""))));
Console.WriteLine("|"+ Espace(x-1) + (h==0?" |":(h==1?"/ \\":"")));
Console.WriteLine("|"+ Espace(x-1) + (h==0?"/ \\" : ""));
// IsFooBar being a boolean, we check if it's different from true and from false
if (x.IsFooBar != true && x.IsFooBar != false)
return "error";
x.IsFooBar is juste a regular bool
const int ONLY_ONE_ITEM = 1;
if (myList.Count > ONLY_ONE_ITEM)
public enum YesNoEnum
Yes = 0,
No = 1
I also like how they defined the enum values.
Update.update_all_updated(updates) # Update updated updates
function clean(toClean, source){
if (typeof(toClean) !== 'string') return true;
if (typeof(source) !== 'string') return true;
return source.replace(toClean, String('CLEANED')).toString();
Found this in a project at work and someone clearly doesn't trust JavaScripts typeof function
div.body:first-child:nth-last-child(n+12) ~ div.body {
padding: 3px 5px 2px !important;
div.rect {
top: 6px !important;
div.legend-action {
top: 3px !important;
const newReply = (reply !== null) ? reply : null;
public class MandateData {
public final UUID coreId;
public final UUID accountId;
public final String accountRef;
public final String creditorId;
public final String creditorName;
public final String debtorFirstName;
public final String debtorLastName;
public final String branchCode;
public final String accountNumber;
public final LocalDate signingDate;
public final Address debtorAddress;
private MandateData(UUID coreId, UUID accountId, String accountRef, String creditorId, String creditorName, String branchCode, String accountNumber, String debtorFirstName, String debtorLastName,
LocalDate signingDate, Address debtorAddress) {
this.coreId = coreId;
this.accountId = accountId;
this.accountRef = accountRef;
this.creditorId = creditorId;
this.creditorName = creditorName;
this.debtorFirstName = debtorFirstName;
this.debtorLastName = debtorLastName;
this.branchCode = branchCode;
this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
this.signingDate = signingDate;
this.debtorAddress = debtorAddress;
public static MandateData creationMandateData(UUID coreId, UUID accountId, String accountRef, String creditorId, String creditorName, String branchCode, String accountNumber, String debtorFirstName, String debtorLastName,
LocalDate signingDate, Address debtorAddress) {
return new MandateData(coreId, accountId, accountRef, creditorId, creditorName, branchCode, accountNumber, debtorFirstName, debtorLastName, signingDate, debtorAddress);
There is an ancient and mysterious legend about public static constructor, called createShit. If anyone want's just to create an instance of Shit be aware of it! This is too obvious! just Implement static method with the exactly the same fields, and make constructor private. Don't write a shit!
if((substr($onefile, -4) == ".Mp3") OR
(substr($onefile, -4) == ".ogg") OR
(substr($onefile, -4) == ".OGG") OR
(substr($onefile, -4) == ".oGG") OR
(substr($onefile, -4) == ".OGg") OR
(substr($onefile, -4) == ".Ogg") OR
(substr($onefile, -4) == ".OgG") OR
(substr($onefile, -4) == ".mP3") OR
(substr($onefile, -4) == ".MP3") OR
(substr($onefile, -4) == ".mp3")){
// do stuff
gotta make sure you account for capitalization
switch (kafkaStreams.state()) {
case RUNNING: {
if (kafkaStreams.state().isRunning()) {
<div class="scrollContent">
{foreach $animations as $index => $a}
{if $index > 2}
{if $a.filename == '9_1447691013_3726.png'}
{if $a.filename == '9_1423150010_6441.png'}
{if $a.filename == '9_1423149959_5909.png'}
{if $a.filename == '9_1423149908_5874.png'}
{if $a.filename == '9_1528213223_6374.jpg'}
{if $a.filename == '9_1527670984_3732.jpg'}
<div class="spotlightFrame frame{$index+1} contains1" data-index="{$index}">
{if $}<a href="{$}">{/if}
<img src="/upload/{$a.filename}" alt="{$a.title}" />
{if $}</a>{/if}
Handovers are great.
concat(code, '<br>', pTitle) AS pTitle, (CASE WHEN postResult = 1 THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END) AS postResult ,
concat(date_format(postStartedDate, '%d.%m.%Y'), '<br>', date_format(postStartedDate, '%H:%i')) AS dateStart,
date_format(tblPosts.updated_at, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i') AS dtUpdated,, tblPerson.mail, tblPerson.isoLang, tblPostsReason.surname,
concat(coalesce(clientFName, ''), ' ', coalesce(clientName, '')) AS client,
concat(coalesce(concat(tblGender.gender, ' '), ''), coalesce(eFName, ''), ' ', coalesce(eName, '')) AS pers,
(CASE WHEN tblPosts.idCollab is NULLTHEN '' ELSE concat(coalesce(tblCol.cFName, ''), ' ', coalesce(tblCol.cName, '')) END) AS starter,
concat("<img src='img/status_", tblPosts.status, ".png' height='12px' border='1' />") AS displaystat,
concat("<a href='index.php?arg=posts&id=", tblPosts.idPost, "&idAccess=", coalesce(tblAccess.idAccess, ''), "' title='Prepare Interface'><img src='../DG/styles/flat/images/edit.gif' style='height:14px; width:32px;' border='0'></a>") AS elink,
concat("<a href='email.php?frame=1&idPost=", tblPosts.idPost, "&source=PERS&idSrc=", tblPerson.idPerson, "&lang=", tblPerson.isoLang, "&from=", ";;SENDER", "&to=", tblPerson.persMail, "&idTperslate=CLI_diff_joindre_can,PERS_demande_contact,PERS_demande_CV&title=", replace(replace(replace(coalesce(pTitle, ''), "'", ";;APO"), "(", ";;PLT"), ")", ";;PGT"), "' title='", concat(coalesce(persName, ''), ' ', coalesce(persFname, '')), "' class='fancybox fancybox.iframe'><img src='img/email.png' height='12px' border='1' title='Messages' ></a>") AS mailink,
concat("<a href='post_email.php?frame=1&op=resend&idPosts=", tblPosts.idPost, "&idPerson=", tblPerson.idPerson, "&lang=", tblPerson.isoLang, "&idAccess=", coalesce(tblAccess.idAccess, ''), "&title=", replace(replace(replace(coalesce(pTitle, ''), "'", ";;APO"), "(", ";;PLT"), ")", ";;PGT"), "' title='", concat(coalesce(perName, ''), ' ', coalesce(perFName, '')), "' class='fancybox fancybox.iframe'><img src='img/emailNew.png' height='12px' border=1 title='New Posts' ></a>") AS newlink,
concat("<a href='comment.php?idPosts=", tblPosts.idPost, "&idPostsElem=-1&idClient=", tblPosts.idClient, "&frame=1&title=", replace(replace(replace(pTitle, "'", ";;APO"), "(", ";;PLT"), ")", ";;PGT"), "' title='", concat(coalesce(persName, ''), ' ', coalesce(persFName, '')), "' class='fancyboxstepreload fancybox.iframe'><div id='divBadgeComm", tblPosts.idPost, "' class='divBadge'>", (select count(*) from tblComment where idPosts=tblPosts.idPost and idElem is NULLand visibleClient=1), "</div><img src='img/comment.png' height='12px' border='1' title='Comments' /></a>") AS comments,
concat("<a href='docs.php?frame=1&idPosts=", tblPosts.idPost, "&title=", replace(replace(replace(pTitle, "'", ";;APO"), "(", ";;PLT"), ")", ";;PGT"), "' title='", concat(coalesce(persName, ''), ' ', coalesce(persFname, '')), "' class='fancyboxstep fancybox.iframe'><div id='divBadgeDocument", tblPosts.idPost, "' class='divBadge'>", (select count(*) from tblDocs where idPosts=tblPosts.idPost and docFileName <> '' and status=1), "</div><img src='img/dir.png' height='12px' border='1' title='Docs' /></a>") AS documents,
FROM tblPosts
-- lots of LEFT JOIN
Maybe he didn't know how to do it in PHP ?
def dow_to_dict_from_self(self):
# res = {'name':, 'enabled': self.enabled }
res = {'sun': 0, 'mon': 0, 'tue': 0, 'wed': 0, 'thr': 0, 'fri': 0,
'sat': 0,
'enabled': 0, 'dow': 0, 'name': 'untitled'}
if (int(self.days_of_week) & 0x01) == 0x01: # sun
res['sun'] = 1
if (int(self.days_of_week) & 0x02) == 0x02: # mon
res['mon'] = 1
if (int(self.days_of_week) & 0x04) == 0x04: # tue
res['tue'] = 1
if (int(self.days_of_week) & 0x08) == 0x08: # wed
res['wed'] = 1
if (int(self.days_of_week) & 0x10) == 0x10: # thr
res['thr'] = 1
res['thu'] = 1 # '%a' returns thu for Thursday
if (int(self.days_of_week) & 0x20) == 0x20: # fri
res['fri'] = 1
if (int(self.days_of_week) & 0x40) == 0x40: # sat
res['sat'] = 1
if (int(
self.days_of_week) & 0x40) == 0x80: # enabled # new enable#
# flag -- duplicate in db
res['enabled'] = 1
res['enabled'] = self.enabled # remove this
res['dow'] = self.days_of_week
res['name'] =
return res
kept the original comments - they're very helpful