double zuida(std::vector<double> vec) {
	std::vector<double> temp;
	for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
	if(temp.size() > 0) {
		if(temp.size() < 2) {
			double tmp = *(&temp[0]);
			return tmp;
		else if(temp.size() >= 2) {
			double mini = temp[0];
			int ind = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++)
				if(temp[i] < mini) {
					mini = temp[i];
					ind = i;
			temp.erase(temp.begin() + ind);
			goto notend;

The beauty is that every case is the best (also worst) case!

By Anonymous, 2019-10-12 10:42:23
bool	vlNoExitIfZeroBytesReceived = false; //		false: can exit when receive 0 later; 	1: can not exit when receive 0 later;
By BrokenBrain, 2019-12-23 15:23:19
#557 C++ +105
int getChar(char charachter){
 int returnValue = Z;
  case 'A': returnValue = A; break;
  case 'a': returnValue = A; break;
  case 'B': returnValue = B; break;
  case 'b': returnValue = B; break;
  case 'C': returnValue = C; break;
  case 'c': returnValue = C; break;
  case 'D': returnValue = D; break;
  case 'd': returnValue = D; break;
  case 'E': returnValue = E; break;
  case 'e': returnValue = E; break;
  case 'F': returnValue = F; break;
  case 'f': returnValue = F; break;
  case 'G': returnValue = G; break;
  case 'g': returnValue = G; break;
  case 'H': returnValue = H; break;
  case 'h': returnValue = H; break;
  case 'I': returnValue = I; break;
  case 'i': returnValue = I; break;
  case 'J': returnValue = J; break;
  case 'j': returnValue = J; break;
  case 'K': returnValue = K; break;
  case 'k': returnValue = K; break;
  case 'L': returnValue = L; break;
  case 'l': returnValue = L; break;
  case 'M': returnValue = M; break;
  case 'm': returnValue = M; break;
  case 'N': returnValue = N; break;
  case 'n': returnValue = N; break;
  case 'O': returnValue = O; break;
  case 'o': returnValue = O; break;
  case 'P': returnValue = P; break;
  case 'p': returnValue = P; break;
  case 'Q': returnValue = Q; break;
  case 'q': returnValue = Q; break;
  case 'R': returnValue = R; break;
  case 'r': returnValue = R; break;
  case 'S': returnValue = S; break;
  case 's': returnValue = S; break;
  case 'T': returnValue = T; break;
  case 't': returnValue = T; break;
  case 'U': returnValue = U; break;
  case 'u': returnValue = U; break;
  case 'V': returnValue = V; break;
  case 'v': returnValue = V; break;
  case 'W': returnValue = W; break;
  case 'w': returnValue = W; break;
  case 'X': returnValue = X; break;
  case 'x': returnValue = X; break;
  case 'Y': returnValue = Y; break;
  case 'y': returnValue = Y; break;
  case 'Z': returnValue = Z; break;
  case 'z': returnValue = Z; break;
  case ' ': returnValue = _; break;
  case '3': returnValue = B2; break;
  case '<': returnValue = TEMP; break;
  case '*': returnValue = FULL; break;
  case '|': returnValue = LINE; break;  
  case '_': returnValue = _; break;  
  case ':': returnValue = COL; break;  
  case '-': returnValue = DASH; break;  
  case ')': returnValue = BRA2; break;  
  case '%': returnValue = SMILE; break;  
  case '.': returnValue = DOT; break;    
  case '^': returnValue = COLDOT; break;      
  return returnValue; //RETORNO DE INFORMAÇÃO

found on brazillian website

By Anonymous, 2020-02-15 00:18:29
  ierr = pxmlIn->GetData(pcTag, *pTData);
  *pbDataValid = bool((ierr==0)&&(iLen>0));  // enabled if: not empty string and vaild (number?)
  if (*pbDataValid)  iErr += ierr;
By Anonymous, 2020-04-07 14:44:12
if ((&inactiveSlot)->GetFirstSlot() == RuntimeLib::INVALID_SLOT) {

Dot dude...

By 314, 2020-05-07 10:56:22
void winner(int score[4])
    if (score[0] > score[1] > score[2] > score[3])
        cout << "The winner is the Player 1 with " << score[0] << " points.";
    else if (score[1] > score[0] > score[2] > score[3])
        cout << "The winner is the Player 2 with " << score[1] << " points.";
    else if (score[2] > score[0] > score[1] > score[3])
        cout << "The winner is the Player 3 with " << score[2] << " points.";
    else if (score[3] > score[2] > score[1] > score[0])
        cout << "The winner is the Player 4 with " << score[3] << " points.";
By Anonymous, 2020-05-17 16:06:24
int file_exist(){
    FILE *file;
    if((file = fopen(SCORE_FILE_NAME, "r"))){
        return 1;
    return 0;
By Anonymous, 2020-06-08 12:01:54
 void SummonCrowd()
                if (Creature* Witness1 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11009.036f, 1490.47f, 43.58f, 4.16f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                    if (Creature* Witness2 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11010.76f, 1488.21f, 43.57f, 4.33f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                        if (Creature* Witness3 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11017.39f, 1491.76f, 43.19f, 4.78f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                            if (Creature* Witness4 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11021.73f, 1493.054f, 43.184f, 5.09f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                if (Creature* Witness5 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11025.74f, 1487.70f, 43.17f, 5.45f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                    if (Creature* Witness6 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11025.25f, 1482.23f, 43.03f, 6.04f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                        if (Creature* Witness7 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11029.68f, 1481.255f, 43.185f, 6.20f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                            if (Creature* Witness8 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11024.46f, 1473.88f, 43.02f, 0.43f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                if (Creature* Witness9 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11019.49f, 1471.70f, 43.21f, 1.09f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                    if (Creature* Witness10 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11021.56f, 1497.053f, 43.20f, 5.00f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                        if (Creature* Witness11 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11012.29f, 1488.14f, 43.77f, 4.16f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                            if (Creature* Witness12 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11014.67f, 1493.14f, 43.23f, 4.60f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                if (Creature* Witness13 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11019.8f, 1494.25f, 43.2f, 4.77f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                    if (Creature* Witness14 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11023.6f, 1489.35f, 43.17f, 4.77f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                        if (Creature* Witness15 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11023.1f, 1482.51f, 43.07f, 6.25f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                            if (Creature* Witness16 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11027.2f, 1494.37f, 43.17f, 5.15f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                if (Creature* Witness17 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11029.6f, 1488.29f, 43.19f, 5.64f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                    if (Creature* Witness18 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11030.8f, 1485.13f, 43.31f, 5.94f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                        if (Creature* Witness19 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11026.2f, 1478.62f, 42.94f, 6.17f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                            if (Creature* Witness20 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11013.2f, 1497.81f, 43.31f, 4.44f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                                if (Creature* Witness21 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11011.6f, 1492.61f, 43.39f, 4.44f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                                    if (Creature* Witness22 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11015.4f, 1489.06f, 43.28f, 4.73f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                                        if (Creature* Witness23 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11020.2f, 1490.15f, 43.19f, 5.07f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                                            if (Creature* Witness24 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11009.9f, 1483.52f, 44.06f, 3.88f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                                                if (Creature* Witness25 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11020.1f, 1484.87f, 43.18f, 5.33f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                                                    if (Creature* Witness26 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11017.7f, 1487.42f, 43.24f, 4.89f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                                                        if (Creature* Witness27 = me->SummonCreature(NPC_LISTENER,-11017.9f, 1498.24f, 43.20f, 5.04f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 90000))
                                                                                                                            Witness1GUID = Witness1->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness2GUID = Witness2->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness3GUID = Witness3->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness4GUID = Witness4->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness5GUID = Witness5->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness6GUID = Witness6->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness7GUID = Witness7->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness8GUID = Witness8->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness9GUID = Witness9->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness10GUID = Witness10->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness11GUID = Witness11->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness12GUID = Witness12->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness13GUID = Witness13->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness14GUID = Witness14->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness15GUID = Witness15->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness16GUID = Witness16->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness17GUID = Witness17->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness18GUID = Witness18->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness19GUID = Witness19->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness20GUID = Witness20->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness21GUID = Witness21->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness22GUID = Witness22->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness23GUID = Witness23->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness24GUID = Witness24->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness25GUID = Witness25->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness26GUID = Witness26->GetGUID();
                                                                                                                            Witness27GUID = Witness27->GetGUID();

                                                                                                                            bSummoned1 = true;
By Anonymous, 2020-09-16 17:09:35
  if(!Hardware::initialize()) {
    Serial.println("Hardware initialization failed!");

  if(!UI.begin()) {
    Serial.println("SSD1306 allocation failed");

For is best ever, why even bother with While, or even Return... Source of code:

By Anonymous, 2020-11-22 20:05:34
if(!strncmp(pcTagName,strlim,(int)strlen(strlim))) return "";
By Anonymous, 2021-06-08 19:32:50
char *  dataFunc(){
    TCHAR tc[256];
    LONG tc_len = sizeof(tc);
    getData((LPBYTE)&tc, &tc_len);
    char * data = new char[tc_len];
    for(int i = 0;i < tc_len;i++)
        data[i] = tc[i];
    return data;
By Hook2, 2021-06-27 15:41:51
#include <iostream>
#define OPEN_BRACES {
#define CLOSE_BRACES }
#define INTEGER int
#define STANDARD_LIB std::
#define CONSOLE_OUT cout
#define MESSAGE "Hello World\n"
#define SEMI ;
#define CLASS_NAME main


Everything is defined

By Anonymous, 2021-06-28 01:46:44
#define private public
#define protected public
#define class struct

#include "your_private_parts.hpp"
// ...

#undef class
#undef protected
#undef private

// ...

Fails miserably if template <class>, template <template <class> class> or their variations are found anywhere inside your header. :(

By 2 + 2 = 3.99999999999999999999999999999999999, 2021-11-08 07:59:05
for (int i = 0;i < n / 2;i++)
        while (num[a[p].id].n == 0 || num[num[a[p].id].nxt].n == 0)
        printf("%d %d ", num[a[p].id].n, num[num[a[p].id].nxt].n);
        num[a[p].id].n = 0;
        num[num[a[p].id].nxt].n = 0;
        num[num[a[p].id].lst].nxt = num[num[a[p].id].nxt].nxt;
        num[num[num[a[p].id].nxt].nxt].lst = num[a[p].id].lst;
By Anonymous, 2022-08-06 14:50:56
   // Test read access of memory
      c = ( (char*) pvMemory )[0];
      c = ( (char*) pvMemory )[iNLen - 1];

   catch( ... ) {
      return -1;
By Anonymous, 2022-10-19 16:28:05