for (const order of orders) {
    for (const resultItem of results) {
        if (resultItem.machine != "TRANSFER") {
            shiftsLoop: for (const shift of resultItem.shifts) {
                if (shift.products) {
                    for (const product of shift.products) {
                        if (product.product == order.product) {
                            for (const routing of routings) {
                                if (routing.output == order.product) {
                                    const machinePlant = findMachinePlant(resultItem.machine, machines)
                                    if (routing.type == "ODP") {
                                        if (machinePlant == order.plant) {
                                            const msg = createMessage(order, shift, resultItem.machine, CHOR)
                                        } else {
                                            //CHEE CHIE CHEI
                                        break shiftsLoop
                                    } else if (routing.type == "OCL" || routing.type == "RCL") {
                                        const msg = createMessage(order, shift, resultItem.machine, CHCL)
By sgaloppo, 2021-08-28 20:28:59